
  • 网络corporate governance;Governance;corporate governance structure;Enterprise Governance Structure
  1. AMC持股形式及其对企业治理结构的影响

    On the Quality of the Stock Owned by AMC and Its Influences on the Corporate Governance

  2. 会计作为企业治理结构的语言(JoelSeligman1993),必须与企业治理发展相适应;

    As a language of corporate governance structure ( Joel Seligman 1993 ), accounting must be suitable to the development of corporate governance ;

  3. 基于MBO及现代股份制企业治理结构修正模型的国有中小企业治理结构的完善

    Perfecting the Corporate Governance of the SMEs Based on MBO and the Modifying Model of the Corporate Governance of Share-holding Enterprises

  4. 第三章:企业治理结构的效率决定。风险投资企业治理模式比较及效率研究

    Comparison and Efficiency Analysis of Governance Mechanisms in Venture Capital Companies

  5. 民营企业治理结构改革与劳资关系重构

    Reforming Governance Structure and Restructuring Relation of Worker-Capitalist in Non-public Enterprises

  6. 企业治理结构、信息不对称与中小企业融资

    Enterprise Governance , Information Asymmetry and the Financing of Small Business

  7. 乡镇集体企业治理结构问题研究

    Studies on the Issues of Governance Structure in Collective Township-Village Enterprises

  8. 其次,汽车行业上市公司应该完善企业治理结构。

    Secondly , car companies should perfect the corporate governance structure .

  9. 合作博弈和企业治理结构的完善

    Cooperative Gaming and the Perfection of the Operative Structure of Enterprises

  10. 非连续性产出分布与高新技术企业治理结构

    The Discontinuous Distribution of Output and Corporate Governance in High-Tech Firms

  11. 四要优化企业治理结构,构建现代企业制度。

    Improve the enterprises governance structure , establish the modern enterprise system .

  12. 解决企业治理结构和内部控制问题;

    To solve corporate governance structure and internal control issues ;

  13. 中国国有转制企业治理结构问题的研究

    A Research of Governance Structure of Chinese State-owned System-converted Enterprises

  14. 中小企业治理结构现状及对策

    The Status Quo and Countermeasure of Mid-small Businesses Corporate Governance

  15. 资本共生模式、企业治理结构及利益相关者财务

    Capital Symbiosis Model ? Corporate Governance and Stakeholder 's Finance

  16. 资源的相对稀缺性、谈判力与企业治理结构

    Relative Resource Scarcity , Bargaining Power and Business Governance Structure

  17. 美国企业治理结构变革及启示

    New Change Tendency and Enlightenments of American Corporate Governance Structure

  18. 从资本结构视角看国有企业治理结构的优化

    The Optimum of State-owned Corporate Governance from the Angle of Capital Structure

  19. 资本结构是决定企业治理结构的核心因素

    Capital Structure is the Kernel Factor of Corporation Governance

  20. 第二章国有企业治理结构概说。

    Chapter 2 is the generality on the structure of stateowned enterprise governance .

  21. 国有企业治理结构问题产生的根源分析

    On the Origins of the Problems in Governance Structure of the State-owned Enterprises

  22. 1979~1999年间中国国有企业治理结构演变的历史分析

    The Historical Analysis of Chinese State-owned Enterprise Governance Structure Change from 1979 to 1999

  23. 私营企业治理结构研究

    A Study on Governance Structure of Private Enterprise

  24. 家族企业治理结构的研究。

    The governance construction of the household enterprises .

  25. 基于现代契约理论的家族企业治理结构研究

    A Study on Governance Structure of Family Firms : Based on Modern Contract Theory

  26. 企业治理结构的发展及其对我国国有企业的启示

    Business Management Form and State Enterprise in China

  27. 家族式企业治理结构委托&代理模式研究

    Research of Family-run Enterprises Management Structure Principal-agent Model

  28. 由于企业治理结构深深嵌入于其外在制度环境之中,因此路径依赖因素是影响企业治理模式形成的重要原因。

    Path-dependence is the key factor to form the modes of the corporate governance .

  29. 二是关于企业治理结构问题的研究。

    The second aspect of review focuses on the study on the corporate governance .

  30. 不同企业治理结构下的交易成本分析

    Transaction Costs Analysis under the Firm Governance Structure