
  1. 超级计算机是国家和企业荣誉感的来源,因为公司和国家都致力于提高LINPACK的成绩。

    Supercomputers are a source of national and corporate pride , as companies and nations work to improve LINPACK scores .

  2. 包括公司简介,产品总汇和企业荣誉。

    Has material about company information , trade promotions and a catalogue .

  3. 通过欧盟CE认证和环保体系ROHS认证,两次荣获诚信企业的荣誉称号。

    Dongdahua has also passed the EU 's CE certification and the environmental protection system 's ROHS certification and been honored as credit enterprise for twice .

  4. 2005年上海进道获得“上海外资先进技术企业”荣誉称号。

    In2005 , Shanghai C & Jindo was honored as " Shanghai foreign joint venture with advanced technology " .

  5. 惠州市工商行政管理局2003、2004、2005年连续三年授予“守合同重信用企业”荣誉称号。

    It was honored as " Enterprise with excellent credit standing " by Huizhou Administration for Industry & Commerce for2003,2004,2005 three years in a row .

  6. 农业部把安惠公司作为“国家食用菌加工技术研发分中心”。中国食用菌协会经过严格评选,授予安惠公司“全国食用菌行业最具影响力企业”荣誉称号。

    After strict apprising and choosing , China Edible Fungi Association granted Alphay the honorary title of The Most Influential Enterprise in the Edible Fungi Industry of China .

  7. 腾格里塔拉先后荣获“国家特级酒家”、“北京市涉外旅游定点单位”、“食品卫生A级单位”、“全国绿色餐饮企业”等荣誉称号。

    Tengelitala has won " Top-class Restaurant of the State "," Appointed Foreign Travelers Host of Beijing "," Food Hygiene Grade-A Unit " and " Green Food Restaurant of the State " .

  8. 多年来,产品以新颖的款式,过硬的质量,良好的服务,使企业赢得众多的荣誉。

    During these years , the company has gained a lot of honor owing to our novel products , high quality and excellent service .

  9. 宋林信奉市场经济学&若商业决策失当,负责人必须承担责任,接受解聘,他还获聘其他一些企业的董事及荣誉职位,包括担任香港反腐机构的道德委员会负责人。

    In press interviews , Mr. Song embraced market economics ' heads have to roll for poor business decisions ' and he won appointment to corporate boards and honorary positions , including one advising Hong Kong 's anticorruption agency .

  10. 他还表示:“要减少加班时间,就必须减少工作量,要么减少浪费时间的任务和日本企业间臭名昭著的荣誉之争,要么雇佣更多人手。”

    He added : " To cut overtime hours , it is necessary to reduce workloads , either by reducing the time-wasting tasks and tournament-style competitions for which Japanese workplaces are notorious , or by hiring more workers . "

  11. 宋林信奉市场经济学——“若商业决策失当,负责人必须承担责任,接受解聘”,他还获聘其他一些企业的董事及荣誉职位,包括担任香港反腐机构的道德委员会负责人。

    In press interviews , Mr. Song embraced market economics -- 'heads have to roll for poor business decisions ' -- and he won appointment to corporate boards and honorary positions , including one advising Hong Kong 's anticorruption agency .

  12. 获得“AAA级资信企业”和“重合同守信用企业”等荣誉称号。

    Access to " AAA grade credit enterprise " and " re-contract and trustworthy enterprise " and other honorary titles .

  13. 历年来经省、市技监部门检验合格,荣获“产(商)品质量信得过企业”,“重合同,守信用企业”等荣誉称号。

    We have won the titles of " Products quality trustworthy enterprise " and " Contracts honored , promises kept enterprise " by the provincial , civic technical supervise department in the past years .

  14. 实现了跨国经营的普兰店市大杨企业集团,荣获“全国服装行业十强企业”(一名)“全国乡镇企业出口创汇十强企业”等荣誉称号。

    The transnational corporation , Da Yang Enterprise Group , takes the leading position of the National Top Ten , both in garment industry and in export business of town-owned enterprises .