
  1. 某企业图文档管理系统的研究与实现

    Research and realization of electronic data management system for an enterprise

  2. 开发企业图档编目信息发展资源效能

    Developing the resources effect of the book and file catalogue information

  3. 基于B/S模式的制造企业图文档信息管理系统

    Drawing and Document Information Management System Based on Browser / Server for Manufacturing Enterprise

  4. 本文介绍了基于B/S模式的制造企业图文档信息管理系统的设计与实现方法,重点讨论了系统的体系结构、功能以及开发的关键技术。

    In this paper , the designing and implementing method of a drawing and document information management system based on browser / server for manufacturing enterprise is introduced , and its architecture , function and key developing technologies are emphatically discussed .

  5. 既减轻设计人员归档的工作量,又提高工程设计图纸归档的准确率和及时性,显著提高了工程设计企业图档管理的质量和效率。

    It can not only reduce the archive workload of the designer , but also improves the accuracy and timeliness of the archive of engineering drawings . This system significantly improved the quality and efficiency of Document Management in the engineering design enterprises .

  6. 利用GIS将因子分析结果插值得到五个因子的空间分布图,与交通分布图和企业分布图相叠加,解析西安市表层土壤重金属的来源。

    The GIS interpolation maps with five factors from factors analysis , overlaying traffic maps and enterprises maps were used for analyzing the sources of heavy metals in Xi ' an urban topsoil .

  7. 简支梁(板)桥上部结构企业标准图开发

    Development of Standard Drawings for Upper Structure of Simply Supported Bridge

  8. 中小企业技术图档管理的研究

    Study on Technical Files Management in Small / Middle Companies

  9. 中小型企业工程图档管理系统的应用

    Management system of engineering drawing files for middle and small valve works

  10. 石油化工企业电气图图形和文字符号

    Graphical and letter symbols to be used in electrical diagrams for petrochemical enterprises

  11. 文章提出了航空企业技术图档动态管理电子化集成系统的工作流框架模型,设计了系统主要功能,描述了系统的突出特点。

    This paper presents working flow model of the integrated dynamic management System on technical archives in airline enterprise .

  12. 确定企业用例图中每个«通信»关联中所表现出来的依赖的本质,并指定相应的需求线。

    Identify the nature of the dependency represented in each « communicates » association in the Enterprise Use-Case Diagram and specify a corresponding needline .

  13. 扼要介绍大中型桥简支梁(板)桥型上部结构企业标准图的开发内容。

    A brief introduction is given to the development contents of " Standard Drawings for Upper Structure of Large and Middle Simply Supported Bridge " .

  14. 介绍新型制造企业轮图的内容与特点,根据机械制造的现状与发展,对顾客中心作用、技能信息化和极端工艺技术等问题进行了研究。

    Based on the state-of-the-art in the field of machinery manufacturing several problems are studied , including customer centre role , skill to information and technology under ultimate conditions .

  15. 结合软件系统的开发情况,对本系统开发中的几个关键问题如自动生成企业组织机构图及班组网络图、在pb中实现ftp传输、数据并发性控制等进行了详尽阐述。

    According to the development of the system , some important problems , such as the automatic drawing of organization chart and group chart , the realization of FTP transfer in PB and data concurrency control , are also discussed .

  16. 中国化工企业信息化路线图

    IT roadmap for chemical enterprise The Road Map of Lifan

  17. 设计企业的电子图档管理软件

    Management Software of Electronic Drawing Archival in Design Enterprise

  18. GB/T16616-1996企业能源网络图绘制方法

    Methods of drawing energy network diagram in enterprises

  19. 本系统是针对钨矿企业设备与图档管理的特点研究开发的。

    The system is designed in view of the characteristics of tungsten mine equipments and drawing management .

  20. 本文分析了我国当前企业中管理图使用效果不佳的原因。

    Factors causing unsuccessful application of CPM chart to recent business management in China are analysed in this article .

  21. 比较和了解同类企业对电子图档管理的技术和手段,该勘察设计院目前的管理系统大致达到了中等偏上的水平。

    Compared with other companies ' electronic file management technology and method , this system in the institute has reached the level above average .

  22. 作为企业架构路线图规划的工具,说明在给定时间点需要哪些架构服务来支持业务程序

    As a tool for enterprise architecture roadmap planning by illustrating which architectural services are required at a given point in time to support a business program

  23. 不用说,当您创建了企业架构路线图,并且得到了风险承担者的赞成之后,您应该努力让其随时更新。

    Needless to say , after you create the roadmap for the enterprise architecture and receive stakeholder approval on it , you ought to make the best effort to update it over time .

  24. 而在信息社会中,通过建立企业的电子图档信息资源库来有效管理多年积累的图档、文字等资料,可为勘察设计企业的发展提供动力和保障。

    In the information society , the survey and design enterprises will get impetus and safeguarding if they set up electronic document information resources database to effectively manage those data accumulated for many years .

  25. 企业技术进步路线图与RD能力优化配置效应来自广东风华高科的实证

    Technology Advancement Road Map and the Effect of Optimization and Allocation of R D Capacity A Case Study of Guangdong Fenghua Hi-tec

  26. 为企业SOA采用路线图及设计定制SAO解决方案发展理论提供专业咨询。

    Provides expertise in enterprise SOA adoption roadmaps and designing custom SOA solution development methodologies .

  27. 根据造纸产品所用原料及产品市场容量大小,构建了企业发展战略模式图。

    According to the raw material and market capacity , the enterprise development strategy model is constructed .

  28. 还介绍了两种金融侦查战术:绘制犯罪企业的金融构成图;

    It also introduces two tactics of financial investigation : compose the financial formation picture of criminal enterprise ;

  29. 应该商议假定使用正在构建中的系统的企业的组织结构图。

    The organizational chart of the enterprise that is supposed to use the system under construction should also be consulted .

  30. 并新发展了后家族管理成本收益图;企业岗位信息类型图等。

    It set up some new concepts conditional principal-agent and post-family management change and develops cost-income diagram and information diagram of position style .