
  • 网络Myung-Whun Chung
  1. 自任职以来,郑明勋重组了乐团,使得它的上座率增加,国际巡演取得好评,并与德意志留声机公司(DeutscheGrammophon)签订了一份合同,得以发行大量唱片。

    Since then , as he has remade the orchestra , attendance has risen , international tours have been well reviewed and a contract with Deutsche Grammophon has allowed it to release a number of recordings .

  2. 这场内讧可能会放慢该乐团自郑明勋(Myung-whunChung)于2005年担任音乐总监以来取得的进步。郑明勋指挥过世界上的很多大乐团,是韩国文化界的重量级人物。

    The infighting is threatening to slow the progress that the orchestra has made since Myung-whun Chung , who has conducted many of the world 's major ensembles and is a towering cultural figure here , became its music director in 2005 .

  3. 郑明勋来自韩国著名的音乐世家。

    Mr. Chung comes from South Korea 's best-known musical family .

  4. 最近,一些乐团成员发布了一份支持郑明勋的声明。

    Recently , members of the orchestra issued a statement supporting Mr. Chung .

  5. 郑明勋拒绝了本报记者的采访请求。

    He declined a request for an interview .

  6. 郑明勋则在另一份声明中称,他对这一决定深感遗憾。

    Mr. Chung said in a statement that he was deeply saddened by the decision .

  7. 郑明勋认为自己是一名世界级的指挥家,朴贤晶认为自己是管理专家。

    Chung thinks he is a world-class conductor and Park thinks she is an expert in management .

  8. 郑明勋则在另一份声明中称,他对这一决定“深感遗憾”。

    Mr. Chung said in a statement that he was " deeply saddened " by the decision .

  9. 与郑明勋、沙汉姆、迈尔合作梅西安的世界末日四重奏;还与皮埃尔、杜梅合作了勃拉姆斯、莫扎特和舒曼的室内乐。

    Messiaen 's Quartet for the End of Time and Brahms , Mozart and Schumann chamber music with Pires and Dumay .

  10. 郑明勋随后表示,他同首尔市的官员谈论过朴贤晶在乐团的所作所为。

    Mr. Chung later said that he had spoken with city officials in Seoul about Ms. Park 's conduct at the orchestra .

  11. 他们表示,这次的争议已经“失控”,正在破坏乐团来之不易的国际声誉。他们还指责,批评郑明勋本人及乐团的那些人使得丑闻政治化,造成了破坏性的后果。

    They said the controversy had " spun out of control " and was damaging the ensemble 's hard-won international reputation , and accused critics of Mr. Chung and the orchestra of politicizing the scandal with damaging results .

  12. 她转而质疑乐团支出公款的方式,并控诉自己是郑明勋设计的阴谋的受害者。她声称,在郑明勋眼里,自己改革乐团的种种努力挑战了他享受的领导地位和好处。

    She in turn raised questions about how public money was being spent by the orchestra , and charged that she had been the victim of a plot by Mr. Chung - saying that he saw her efforts to reform the organization as a challenge to his leadership and the perks he enjoyed .