
  1. 作为热闹派童话的代表作家,郑渊洁的童话以奇特的想象和幻想征服了数以千万的小读者,成为转型期中国童话一个最重要的新童话创作现象。

    As a " lively faction " writer , his fairy tales conquer tens of millions of readers by peculiar imagination and fantasy , and become one of the most important Chinese fairy-tale creations of the new phenomenon .

  2. 知名中国作家郑渊洁多年前让儿子退学,自己在家教育,这类事例帮助提升了在家上学对于公众和媒体的吸引力。

    Cases such as that of prominent Chinese writer Zheng Yuanjie , who took his son out of school to educate him at home a couple of years ago , have helped boost its appeal among the public and the media .

  3. 但是一些国产的动画片,例如上海美术电影制片厂改编的一系列来自中国传统民间传说,以及现代作家郑渊洁所创的童话故事,也深刻在他们记忆中。

    Yet those animations made in China , say , the series adapted from traditional Chinese folk stories and modern writer Zheng Yuanjie 's fairy tales from 1950 to 1994 by Shanghai Animation Film Studio , are also etched in their memories .