
  1. 八卦龙形剑由我国著名武术大师郑怀贤先生创编。

    Dragon Sword of Bagua is created by Zheng Huaixian , the famous Wushu master of China .

  2. 运用郑怀贤教授的伤科经穴手法按摩,对50名专业乒乓球运动员进行治疗,效果良好。

    But if you draw on the acupuncture point massage for50 tabletennis athletes , you will find it extremely efficacious .

  3. 目的:观察股内侧肌和腓肠肌疲劳后反应时的变化及应用郑怀贤教授创立的郑氏按摩手法对这种变化的影响。

    AIM : To observe the changes of reaction time of muscle vastus medialis and gastrocnemius after fatigue and the interventional effects of Zheng 's massage initiated by Zheng Huaixian on the changes .