
  • 网络Tai Chi Sword;Taiji sword
  1. 全国武术锦标赛女子太极剑难度动作相关因素分析

    Analysis of Relevant Factors for Level of Difficulty of Women 's Taiji Sword in National Wushu Championship

  2. 你身体那么弱,我打算教你一套太极剑嘛。

    Your body is weak , so I wanted to teach you the Tai Chi Sword style .

  3. 结果表明:《三十二式太极剑》提示语教学缩短了教学时间,有利于教师的教和学生的学,有效的提高了教学效果。

    The results showed that the cues shortened the teaching time , helped both teaching and study and thus improved the teaching effect .

  4. 李书东老师表演了陈式太极剑及新架,使观众领略到了太极拳刚柔相济,飘逸优美的特色。

    Master Li performed the " Chen Style Sword " and " Chen Style Tai Chi New Form " . The audiences were impressed by the graceful , yet powerful Tai Chi movements .

  5. 结论:①太极拳(剑)、健身操、交际舞运动对中老年人骨代谢过程影响不显著,对骨代谢过程亦无损伤作用。

    Conclusion : ① Taijiquan 、 body building exercise and social dance have not obvious effects on middle and elder people ′ s bone metabolism biochemical markers .

  6. 四十八式太极拳与太极剑

    Taiji : 48 Forms and Swordplay

  7. 有的打太极拳、练剑;有的跑步、散步或随着音乐跳舞。

    There are some practice shadowboxing and swordplay while others run , walk or dance with music .

  8. 采用调查问卷法和实验研究对比法,对在武术太极拳、太极剑选项教学中,配以相应音乐进行伴乐式教学实验。

    [ Ahstract ] : Using methods of document analyzing and comparative experiments , Wushu teaching of Chinese Boxing and Tat n Sword accompany by music were studied .