
  • 网络Film and Television Animation;Vedio
  1. 随着3D影视动漫产业的日渐繁荣,3D技术应用浪潮正在互联网中悄然兴起。

    Along with the gradual flourishes in3D movie & TV and animation industry , the application tide of3D technology in Internet is springing up .

  2. 数字特效在影视动漫制作中的应用研究

    Digital Special Effect in Film and Television Animation Manufacture Applied Research

  3. 流体模拟作为影视动漫特效的重要元素,具有重要意义。

    Fluid simulation , as one of the film elements , play an increasingly important role .

  4. 眼下,社会上流行这样一句话:“80年代学会计,90年代流行学IT,2010年代最热门的专业毫无悬念地留给了影视动漫。”

    Right now , the community popular phrase : " 80 years of study in accounting , 90 popular science IT , 2010 's most popular professional no doubt left to the film and television animation . "

  5. 近年来,随着影视动漫、逆向工程和工业检测等行业的迅速发展,三维重建作为其中核心技术之一,受到了普遍的关注和研究。

    In recent years , with the rapid development of film and television animation , reverse engineering and industrial testing.3D reconstruction , one of the key techniques in this area , has received widespread concern and research .

  6. 鉴于三维人脸模型在影视动漫、广告宣传、安全认证以及医学科学等众多领域的广泛应用,如何有效获取三维人脸模型显得尤为重要。

    The model of 3D human face has been wildly applied in film and cartoon , advertising publicity , security certificate , medicine science and other fields . How to obtain 3D face models is particularly important .

  7. 随着影视动漫产业的蓬勃发展和可视出版物的大量出现,三维重建作为其中的核心技术之一,受到了广泛的重视,有着广泛的应用前景和巨大的发展空间。

    With the bloom of film and television animation industries and the vast emergence of visual publications , 3D reconstruction , one of the key techniques in this area , have received extensive attention and owns a promising future of development .

  8. 不仅是专业的影视、动漫企业,更多的非专业用户希望对自己拍摄的媒体素材进行编辑处理工作。

    Not only the movie and animation industry , but also many amateur users expect to edit the source material captured by themselves .

  9. 中国数字媒体相关产业,即影视、动漫、游戏、网络、电子出版等,已经蓄势待发,时不我待。

    Chinese figure medium relevance estate , is movie and TV , cartoon and caricature , game , network , electron come out etc. , already harbors power waiting for being issued , time and tide wait for no man .

  10. 另一方面,迅猛发展的科学技术在推动影视、动漫、网络、游戏、摄像、摄影等技术与产业转型升级的同时,也将整个社会也纳入到了视觉化的技术体系中。

    On the other hand , the rapid development of science and technology in promoting the film , animation , network . game , video , photography , and other technology and industry upgrade at the same time . The whole society also incorporated into the visual technology system .

  11. 从内部结构上看,青岛市的旅游业、会展业、新闻出版业、影视产业和动漫产业都发展迅速,产业内部结构良好。

    As to the structure , tourism industry , exhibition industry , press and publishing industry , movie and television industry and cartoon industry are all developing fast .

  12. 广东原创动力文化传播有限公司是一家集影视制作、卡通动漫创作于一体的专业影视制作公司。

    Creative Power Entertaining ( CPE ) is a professional AV production house with a special strength in animated cartoon creation .

  13. 它既包容了一部分高雅的经典视觉艺术作品,也包容了当下以绘本、影视、广告、动漫为代表的大众文化样式。

    It concludes both classical visual artistic works and some mass culture modes represented by drawing books , movie Tv , advertisement and cartoon .

  14. 虚拟角色也称作品中的艺术形象,通常是指文学、影视、动画、动漫等作品中塑造的人物、动物及卡通形象,也包括用语言变现的作品中的虚拟形象。

    Fictional character is also called as art image of works . It usually refers to the character , animal and cartoon image which is created in literature , film , animation and other works .