
  1. 高影响力中国海外发明专利的引文分析

    Analysis of patent citation counts on Chinese high-impact innovation

  2. 打造具有国际影响力的中国第一原创视觉人文杂志。

    Making Civilization China 's best cultural magazine with great international influence .

  3. 在中国有影响力的中国版推特新浪微博则不同寻常地让人们自由评论。

    Microblogging sites , notably Sina Weibo , China 's homespun version of the banned Twitter , ran unusually free comment .

  4. 唐君毅是第二代新儒家的一位代表人物,也是二十世纪一位具有影响力的中国哲学家。

    Tang Junyi was a representative personality of the second New-Confucianism and an important philosopher of Chinese Philosophy in the twenty century .

  5. 随着美国试图加强在亚太地区的影响力,中国对其它国家企图遏制其势力增长表现出了担忧。

    China has raised concerns over attempts by other countries to contain its growing power , as the US seeks to boost its influence in the region .

  6. 对于在国际上缺乏提花带品牌影响力的中国企业而言,参加展览推动销量更是最有效的的低成本高回报手段之一。

    For lack of international brand Jacquard with influential Chinese businesses to participate in the exhibition to promote sales are the most effective means of low-cost high return .

  7. 我坚信,要了解当今世界,就要先了解全球化的快速进程,了解它的影响力以及中国在这个进程中举足轻重的地位。

    I firmly believe that to understand the world today , you have to understand the rapid pace of globalisation , its effects and Chinas very significant place within it .

  8. 就如何更好地利用日益上升的影响力,中国的决策层内部正在发生激烈的争论,而与此同时,中国与一些国家的关系已变得更为紧张。

    At a time of intense debate in Beijing on how to take advantage of its rising influence , Chinese relations with a number of countries have become more tetchy .

  9. 进入90年代以后,非洲资源战略地位的提高和非洲作为一个整体在国际上的影响力使中国重新审视对非洲的政策。

    Since 1990s , China is rethinking its Sino-African policy in the context of the rising status of the African resources strategic position and the international influence of Africa as a whole .

  10. 这样,学生们就能够更好地理解具有全球影响力的中国文化和语言,并且可以在生活中得到优势,更加全面地看待世界。

    By doing so , they can better understand this globally influential country with its language and culture , and gain some advantages in life by viewing the world from a comprehensive perspective .

  11. 最后,印度对全球生产模式和贸易的“干扰性”影响主要限于服务业,其影响力与中国不可同日而语。

    Finally , India 's " disruptive " impact on international production patterns and trade has been largely limited to services ; it is yet to be anywhere near as influential as China .

  12. 此次举动目的在于重建它在中国网通的影响力,中国网通是固话运营商,去年在中国电信部门重组过程中被联通兼并。

    The move is aimed at rebuilding the presence it had in China Netcom , the fixed-line operator absorbed by Unicom as part of a broader restructuring of China 's telecoms sector last year .

  13. 他的这个初始反应和后续反应,让人对他的策略和脾气得到一些有意思的了解,并且显示,有影响力的中国人似乎被外界误解了。

    In this initial and later reaction , he revealed a few interesting things about his strategy and temper – and made it seem as though influential Chinese are misunderstood by the outside world .

  14. 政府领导人也希望与西方合作以平衡中国在缅影响力,中国现在几乎可以不受任何限制地开采缅甸的巨大自然资源。

    The nation 's leaders also may want the West to come back in order to balance the influence of China , which has had virtually free rein to exploit Myanmar 's vast natural resources .

  15. 但是基于美国在拉美地区的传统影响力,中国在发展与拉美各国的友好关系时必须正确认识和评估美国因素对中拉关系发展的影响作用,并制定因应对策。

    However , because the United States has powerful traditional influence in Latin America , China must correctly understand and assess the American factor when it develops the relations with Latin America , and then work out the response measures .

  16. 这一阶段涌现出了一大批高质量的钢琴改编曲,其中不乏钢琴协奏曲《黄河》、《百鸟朝凤》、《夕阳萧鼓》等具有世界影响力的中国钢琴音乐精品之作。

    This stage appeared a large number of high-quality and world-influence piano reorganization music works , such as piano concerto " Yellow River ", solo piano work " A Hundred Birds Paying Respect To The Phoenix " and " Music At The Sunset Time " .

  17. 首先,我国奢侈品行业应在内部进行人才培养,技术创新,品牌升级,提高产品质量和吸引力,以及品牌管理能力,打造出纵多具有国际影响力的中国本土奢侈品品牌。

    First of all , in order to build a large number of international influential luxury brands , our domestic luxury industry should lay stress on talents cultivation , technology innovation and brands promotion , so as to improve the quality and attraction of the products .

  18. 浙大网新科技股份有限公司(简称浙大网新),以高端定位、服务主导、国际路线为竞争策略的浙大网新已崛起为具有相当影响力的中国领先的IT服务商与机电总包商。

    INSIGNIA Technology company ( i.e. INSIGNIA Technology ), who take " the high-end localization , the service leadership , the international products line " as the competition strategy has risen to outstanding Chinese leading IT the service provider and the mechanical and electrical chief contractor .

  19. 对平壤方面拥有少量影响力的中国,拒绝谴责金正日政权在3月份对一艘韩国军舰发动袭击,导致46名水兵丧生,尽管一项国际调查发现,无疑是平壤方面下令进行的袭击。

    China , the nation with a modicum of sway over Pyongyang , has refused to condemn Kim Jong-il 's regime for its March attack on a South Korean warship that killed 46 sailors . That despite the fact that an international inquiry found little doubt that Pyongyang ordered it .

  20. 如何超越困境、重建文论话语体系,进而建立拥有当代发言权和世界影响力的具有中国特色的文艺理论学派?

    How to surpass the difficulty and rebuild the speaking system of literature review so as to build Chinese literature review system of the modern right to speak and the global influence ?

  21. 尽管最可怕的忧虑没有成为现实,但各方日趋意识到,该法已变成并购活动的一道障碍,其影响力不仅限于中国,而是扩展到了全球层面。

    Although the worst of those concerns have not materialised , there is a growing realisation that the law has become a hurdle for mergers and acquisitions , not just in China but globally .

  22. 今天,财新传媒表示,将从8月份开始,赞助这一极有影响力的关于中国内地制造业和服务业的报告。财新传媒总部位于北京,以对中国的独立而有深度的报道而闻名。

    Caixin Media , the Beijing-based group known for its independent , in-depth journalism on China , said today it would sponsor the influential manufacturing and services reports on the mainland , beginning in August .

  23. 华谊兄弟作为中国大陆第一家上市的文化传媒企业,凭借其综合的经营模式,巨大的市场影响力,成为中国以至于国际上著名的文化传媒巨头。

    Huayi Bros as the first listed of culture medium enterprise in China main land , with its comprehensive management pattern , the huge market influence , as China that the famous international culture media mogul .

  24. 这家美国电子商务巨头没能在中国产生类似的影响力,因为中国的监管要求使得国外竞争者要进入中国市场十分困难,这让阿里巴巴在中国国内的发展相对畅通无阻。

    The American e-commerce giant was not able to make a similar impact in China because regulatory requirements made the entry of international competitors much more difficult , leaving Alibaba a relatively unobstructed run at domestic growth .

  25. 日韩两大集团这一前所未有的合作,突显出日本在铁矿石价格谈判中的影响力已经被中国取代。中国目前是全球最大的原材料买家,将会主导2007年铁矿石基准价格谈判。

    The unprecedented deal between the Japanese and South Korean groups underlines the fact that Japan has ceded its negotiating power to China , now the world 's biggest buyer of raw materials . China is set to lead the negotiations for benchmark prices for 2007 .

  26. 贵州大学著者影响力评价&基于中国科学引文数据库

    Evaluation of the Author Influence in Guizhou University & Based on the Chinese Science Citation Database

  27. 影响力模式:对中国人心理咨询和治疗模式的探索

    Software Pattern Reuse The Influencing Model : Proposing a Counseling and Psychotherapy Model Suitable to the Chinese

  28. 这两项比赛在我国有着很高的影响力,不亚于中国篮球职业联赛在我国的地位。

    The two competitions have highly influence in China , Which is as good as Chinese occupation basketball league .

  29. 马克思主义哲学是当代中国最有影响力的哲学。中国哲学则是中国有几千年悠久历史传统的哲学。

    Marxist philosophy is the most influential philosophy in contemporary China while Chinese philosophy has a long history of several thousand years .

  30. 尽管中国或许会设法避免在不同的竞争对手之间表明立场,但随着中国影响力的扩大,中国将不可避免地遭遇反弹。

    While it may seek to avoid choosing sides between various rivals , it will inevitably suffer repercussions as its influence grows .