
  • 网络Film and Television Tourism;film-induced tourism;movie-induced tourism;Movie Induced Tourism;movie and tv induced tourism
  1. 影视旅游的现象比较普遍,但相关的研究还不多见。

    Although movie-induced tourism is a popular phenomenon , there are few literatures on this topic , especially in China .

  2. 本文成果对影视旅游研究脉络的把握和推动影视旅游及其产业的健康发展有一定的启示。

    The results of the paper will be conducive to the grasp of the study context of movie-induced tourism and to the promotion of healthy development of movie-induced tourism and its industry .

  3. 论云南影视旅游开发

    Study of the Movie & TV Tourism Development of Yunnan

  4. 旅游目的地发展影视旅游初探&以云南腾冲为例

    Development of Film Tourism in Tourism Destination : A Case Study of Tengchong

  5. 作为一种新兴的旅游形式,影视旅游是属于专项旅游。

    Film Tourism is an emerging forms of tourism , belong to a special tour .

  6. 青岛市影视旅游资源的现状分析及开发策略

    Analysis of Present Situation of Film and Television Tourism Resources in Qingdao City and Development Suggestions

  7. 论政府对影视旅游的促进作用&以韩国政府为例

    On the Promoter Action of Government in Movie TV-induced Tourism Illustrated by the Case of Korea

  8. 20世纪80年代,影视旅游作为一种专项旅游形式开始发展起来。

    In the 1980s , film-induced tourism has developed as a special travel form at first .

  9. 山西所拥有的丰富的自然和人文旅游资源正是发展影视旅游的优越条件。

    Shanxi have rich natural and cultural tourism resources is the development of film and television travel advantage .

  10. 国外影视旅游发展较早,效果显著。

    The movie and TV induced tourism has been developed earlier in foreign countries and achieved the remarkable effect .

  11. 但相对于影视旅游实践的蓬勃发展,对于影视旅游的理论研究却相对较少。

    But compared to the vigorous development of tourism practice film for the theory of film tourism is relatively small .

  12. 因此“影视旅游”这一课题逐渐受到学者们的重视,这方面的研究也是方兴未艾。

    Therefore more and more scholars put their attentions on this topic ; this research also is on the rise .

  13. 我国影视旅游开发中存在盲目开发、重复建设、缺乏理论指导等问题。

    In our country movie induced tourism development has blind problems and soon development , building redundant project , deficient theory instruction .

  14. 影视旅游是新兴的旅游形式,起源于主题公园,但又与主题公园存在区别。

    Movie and TV tourism is a new travel form . It comes from theme park but these two forms are different from each other .

  15. 近年来,国内兴起了各种形式的影视旅游,而影视城旅游是其中发展最快并引起广泛关注的一种形式。

    In recent years , different kinds of film-induced tourism spring up in domestic , and film-city tourism develops the most quickly and cause extensive concern .

  16. 信息标题:2001北京王府井艺术节中韩友好·韩国文化旅游周论政府对影视旅游的促进作用以韩国政府为例

    Info Title : Promote Your Business at 2001 ' Beijing Wangfujing Festival On the Promoter Action of Government in Movie TV-induced Tourism Illustrated by the Case of Korea

  17. 第三部分介绍山西影视旅游发展概况,分析了山西影视旅游资源,山西影视旅游资源发展现状与存在的问题。

    The third section describes the overview of tourism development in Shanxi Television . Analysis of tourism resources in Shanxi TV , Shanxi TV tourism resource development status quo and problems that exist .

  18. 延边地区作为我国唯一的朝鲜族主要聚集地,无论是优美的自然旅游资源还是独特的人文旅游资源,都是丰富多彩的,但其影视旅游的发展却不尽人意。

    Yanbian Korean as China 's only major gathering place , whether beautiful or unique natural tourism resources , cultural tourism resources are rich , but the film tourism development was not perfect .

  19. 影视旅游者旅游动机呈现多样化和独特性,常规旅游动机普遍存在,同时表现为印证、放松、体验和探星四种独特性的动机。

    Film and television tourists ' motives is diversified and unique , conventional tourist motives are exist , and also have four uniqueness motivation which performance that the seal , relax , experience and explore .

  20. 第四部分,创新性的构建山西影视旅游发展体系,分析了山西影视旅游发展前景,提出了山西影视旅游发展构建途径。

    The fourth part , the construction of innovative tourism development in Shanxi TV system , analyzes the prospects for tourism development in Shanxi TV , film and television tourism development proposed by the Shanxi Construction Way .

  21. 影视旅游的发展是适应当今中国各大产业大发展,是适应发展大旅游,文化旅游的新型旅游方式。

    Movie tourism development is to adapt to the great development of major industries in China today , is to adapt to the development of " Grand Tourism ", " cultural tourism ," a new way to travel .

  22. 第一部分从影视旅游的需要和动机、类型、资源等方面分析了影视旅游的发展现状。

    Part ⅰ deals with the analysis of the development status of the movie and TV induced tourism in respect of the demand for , and motivation , types and resources of the movie and TV induced tourism .

  23. 最后,文章的结语部分总结了本文的主要观点,反思了本篇论文的不足,并且对未来旅游研究提出了自己的看法,以期实现影视旅游的可持续健康发展。

    This part summarizes the main views , and thinks about the short-comings of this thesis . And it also expresses its own opinion of future development of studying movie-induced-tourism , and is to realize the sustainable development of movie-induced-tourism .

  24. 影视旅游以其身临其境、与影视密切结合、静动相得益彰、丰富的文化内涵、相关联动性强等突出特点引起了旅游企业,相关部门,旅游研宄者的注意和重。

    Video tour of its ground , and the film closely , static and dynamic complement each other , rich culture , relevant and strong linkage caused a prominent feature of tourism enterprises , relevant departments , tourism researchers attention and focus .

  25. 与传统旅游形式相比,影视旅游虽然起步较晚,但影视旅游这个后起之秀更加符合游客的个性化需求,符合体验之旅。

    Compared with the traditional forms of tourism , film tourism , though started late , but the rising star of film and television travel more in line with the individual needs of visitors , in line with experience of the trip .

  26. 经过市场调研又得知:我国现阶段影视旅游市场空间巨大,易于形成较为系统的旅游产业链,为整个行业带来持续发展的良好前景。

    The market research also shows that , in recent stage , the market space of tour on movie and TV base is giant and easy to form a systematic tour industry chain , which will bring a sustainable development prospect for the whole industry .

  27. 通过对新兴的文化创意产业的概述探讨文化创意应用于影视旅游发展当中的可能性与必要性,并针对五种不同的表现形式提出了基于文化创意视角的影视旅游发展策略。

    By the overview of the emerging Cultural Creativity Industry , it discusses the practical and necessary applications of the cultural creativity in the movie-induced tourism . It also puts forward the development strategies of the movie-induced tourism in the terns of five forms of expressions .

  28. 影视旅游是旅游业发展到一定阶段而与影视产业相结合的产物,它兴起于上世纪二、三十年代的美国,快速发展的同时也吸引着越来越多的关注。

    Film and TV tourism industry is a kind of product that tourism developed to a certain stage and then combine with film and television industry , it emerged in the early of last century in the USA , when it development fast it also attracted more and more attention .

  29. 影视与旅游的有效结合物影视旅游登上历史舞台。

    Film and Television Tourism Travel valid conjugates onto the scene .

  30. 影视与旅游均是一种时尚,影视与旅游的结合更是一种时尚。

    Commissioner for Television and tourism are both fashion , film and tourism is a combination of more fashionable .