
  1. 该地商人兰斯本森是小镇的所有者,为了更加专心地经营自己的旅游优惠公司,他目前正打算售卖小镇。

    Local businessman Lance Benson owns the town , and is selling to focus on his traveling concession company .

  2. 出境游火爆背后的原因是,一方面各国放宽了对中国游客的签证签发,另一方面,一些热门目的地航线的开通以及相应的旅游优惠政策也激发了国人出境游的热情。

    The reasons behind the rise are loosened visa requirements for Chinese , better flight connections and preferential policies to facilitate overseas consumption .

  3. 日本旅游优惠服务措施&兼谈对广东旅游业发展的启示2010年亚运会对广东旅游业发展的影响及对策

    Study of the Favored Tourist Services in Japan ; Effect of 2010 Guangzhou Asian Games on Development of Guangdong Tourist Industry and Countermeasures

  4. 该解释还详细说明了嫌疑人接受以下经济好处也将视作受贿,如住房装修,旅游优惠和购物券。

    The interpretation also clarified that rewards of monetary value given to suspects will be considered bribes , including home furnishing , travel packages and shopping coupons .

  5. 驴妈妈出境游事业部总经理倪佳丽称,中美两国实施的旅游优惠政策是增长的原因。

    Ni Jiali , general manager of Lvmama . com 's outbound tourism department , said the rise resulted from beneficial tourism policies adopted by both China and the US .

  6. 环境容量约束下旅游税收优惠政策的经济学分析

    Economics Analysis of the Tourism Concessions Taxation Policy under the Constraints of the Environmental Capacity

  7. 有给外国旅游者的优惠票吗?

    Do you have any discount tickets for foreign tourists ?

  8. 加之由于旅游业在创汇、扩大内需、拉动经济增长方面起着重要作用,其发展逐步受到各级政府的重视,各种加快旅游业发展的优惠政策也相继出台。

    Because tourism industry plays an important role in gaining foreign exchange income , stimulating domestic demands and promoting economic development , both central and local governments attach much Importance to its development and favorable policies to accelerate the tourism industry development are successively carried out .