
  • 网络Tourism performance;tourism performing art
  1. 近年来,随着文化旅游业的蓬勃发展,一批充分挖掘本土地域文化、展现独特艺术魅力的优秀旅游演艺项目如雨后春笋般纷纷登场。

    With the rapid development of cultural tourism industry in recent years , a series of excellent tourism performance projects has sprung up , which explore local folk culture and show the unique artistic charm .

  2. 国内大型主题性旅游演艺产品开发初探

    A Study on the Exploitation of Domestic Large Theme Tourism Performing Art

  3. 为武汉市旅游演艺产品的开发提供理论指导。

    Wuhan tourism for development of acting products provides theoretical guidance .

  4. 其中,研究最多的当属主题公园类和大型山水实景演出类的旅游演艺产品。

    Meanwhile , most studied cases are the theme park and the real large-scale landscape performance .

  5. 旅游演艺的发展历程及其对旅游业的影响

    A Study on the Developing of Domestic Tourism Performing Art and Impact on the Tourism Industry

  6. 然而,旅游演艺项目在带来机遇的同时也会给旅游区造成生态破坏和品质良莠不齐的负面效应。

    However , the tourism performing arts cause not only opportunities but also ecological damage to the tourist area .

  7. 旅游演艺产品是旅游与文化产业融合发展而形成的新型业态,具有广阔的市场前景。

    Tourism Performing Arts is integrated by tourism and cultural industries and has great prospects in the tourism field .

  8. 最后,对当前旅游演艺发展现状问题进行了总结并提出建议。

    Finally , the author summarizes and puts forward some suggestions for the current development of the tourism performing products .

  9. 如何提升游客的体验质量和避免产品的重复操作,已成为旅游演艺产业亟待解决的问题。

    How to improve tourists ' experience quality and avoid the repetition of performing products have become the problems that urgently need to be solved .

  10. 旅游演艺是顺应休闲需求、增强旅游吸引力、提高旅游者消费水平的重要载体。

    Tourism entertainment is the major carrier of a response to demand for recreational tourism , enhance tourist attraction , and improve the level of consumption .

  11. 剧场类旅游演艺产品不仅是城市重要的休闲娱乐场所,同时也是吸引外地游客的独特的文化旅游产品。

    Theater type tourism performing products are prefer to be urban recreation sites , also are unique cultural tourism products to attract visitors from other places .

  12. 在对旅游演艺产品进行全面系统分析之后,通过指标体系构建,用专家打分法给出了评估旅游演艺产品策划优劣的有效方法。

    And then , through the index system construction , with expert scoring method , so as to giving out the effective methods of evaluation of tourism performing product .

  13. 如何切中要害地提升山水实景类旅游演艺产品的游客体验质量与服务质量,越来越受到经营者和研究者的重视。

    How to hit the key point to improve the service quality and tourist experience quality ? The operators and scholars pay more and more attention on this point .

  14. 游而不离&浅析20世纪90年代艺术家的游世心态旅游演艺的发展历程及其对旅游业的影响

    Playful but Not Away & Playful Mind of the Artist In 1990 s ; A Study on the Developing of Domestic Tourism Performing Art and Impact on the Tourism Industry

  15. 在短短数年之内,中国旅游演艺业已经发展成为当代中国文化中的一道人文新景观,成为旅游业可持续发展的强劲助力。

    In just a few years , China has become a tourist showbiz one of contemporary Chinese culture " landscape " humanistic new sustainable development of tourism , become strong support .

  16. 第四部分是对武汉市旅游演艺产品的开发现状与问题进行总结分析,指出当前武汉市旅游演艺产品升级已经势在必行。

    The fourth part is to Wuhan tourism acting product development situation and problems , and points out that the current analysis of Wuhan city tourism product upgrade has acting is imperative .

  17. 第五部分是对武汉市旅游演艺产品的开发研究,提出武汉市旅游演艺可以开发得到四种类型,表现的特点,及其营销模式。

    The fifth part is acting in Wuhan city tourism product development research ; puts forward Wuhan tourism acting can develop get four types , performance characteristics , and its marketing model .

  18. 中国旅游演艺产业在近30年的发展中,已经成为目的地旅游发展的重要组成部分和旅游者所钟爱的演艺新业态。

    As a new kind of artistic forms , Chinese tourism performing industry has developed into a key factor of tourism destinations in the past three decades and captured a great many tourists .

  19. 依据研究结论,从体验性、故事性、地域性、创意性和价值性五个方面来为张家界旅游演艺产业提出感性营销建议。

    According to the research conclusion , this paper , from five aspects ( experience , story , regionalism , creativity and value ), puts forward some corresponding suggestions to boost the development of Zhangjiajie tourism performing industry .

  20. 第三部分是对国内旅游演艺产品的分析,对其类型,表现特点,表现形式、产品开发中的文化内涵挖掘,不同类型演艺产品的特征等问题深入展开研究。

    The third part is acting products of domestic tourism analysis of the types , performance characteristics , forms , and the cultural connotation of product development , different types of problems such as acting products feature launched research deeply .

  21. 同时,从旅游演艺产品策划的商业模式、旅游演艺产品策划步骤、策划具体流程三方面对旅游演艺产品的操作程序进行了阐述,为实践操作提供参考和指导。

    Meanwhile , the acting product planning from the tourist business model , tourism performing product planning steps , planning the specific flow acting products research in tourism procedures were introduced , which can offer instructions for the practical operation .

  22. 随着一批优秀的旅游演艺产品品牌剧目的诞生,他们浓郁的艺术气息,独特的营销式以及别具一格的表演方式无不吸引着大众的眼球,成为比较受旅游者欢迎的文化精品。

    Along with a group of outstanding tourism brand the birth of the performing arts , they play full-bodied art breath ; unique marketing type and unique style of acting without attracting the eyes of the masses , become popular culture by tourists compare products .

  23. 第六部分以长恨歌为例,探讨了文化创意产业在旅游演艺产品中的体现等。最后一部分为研究结论和展望,总结了论文的研究成果和不足之处。

    Part ⅵ is the discussion to the embodiment of Cultural Creative Industries in Tourism Performing Art , taking the example of " Everlasting Regret "; The last part of the research are review and prospects , and the summary of the findings and deficiencies .

  24. 主题定位方面需要挖掘地域文化,体现独特内涵;把握市场需求;提高项目的美学价值;分析旅游演艺项目在周边旅游区域中的项目异质性。

    Topics positioning needs to focus on the local culture , reflecting the unique meaning of the culture and cater to market needs ;, improving the aesthetic value of the project . And we should analyze the heterogeneity of tourism projects around the tourist area .

  25. 因为旅游演艺在丰富景区及旅游地的文化内涵、提升旅游地形象,提高旅游地收益,以及促进旅游业的发展等方面的重大意义,已经越来越受到各地政府、企业和旅游研究者的重视。

    Because tourism scenic and tourist acting in rich cultural connotation , promote the tourism image , improve tourist income , and boost the development of tourism , etc , already more and more the significance of by local government , business and tourism researchers ' attention .

  26. 并用场域理论、体验经济理论、旅游凝视理论对旅游演艺产品策划进行了理论剖析,以期为旅游演艺产品策划提供理论基础。

    This paper also apply " field theory ", " the experience economy theory " and " tourist gaze of tourism theory " to analyses the planning of acting product theoretically to provide theoretical basis .

  27. 随着人们对有文化内涵,且具有体验性,参与性,娱乐性的旅游产品需求的日益增加,旅游演艺产品受到人们的极大欢迎。

    With the increasing of demand of tourism products , which consists of cultural connotation , experience , participation and entertaining characters , acting products are greatly welcomed .

  28. 作为创意产业与旅游产业融合的一种产物,旅游演艺正成为我国异军突起的新型旅游业态。

    A combination of creative industry with tourism , tourism performing art has become a newly-flourished tourism business .

  29. 近年来,随着社会经济持续稳定的发展,旅游业的发展已经从巅峰时期逐步迈入稳定时期,随着创意型产业的发展,旅游演艺业作为一种新的旅游形态展现在大众眼前。

    In recent years , with the development of sustainable social and economic stability , the development of tourism has gradually entered from the peak period , with stable and the creative industry development , tourism showbiz as a new tourism form in mass eyes show .

  30. 近几年,在国内旅游市场快速发展的背景下和大众休闲娱乐意识不断增强的前提下,各式各样的休闲娱乐产品应运而生,推动了山水实景类旅游演艺产品的迅速兴起与迅猛成长。

    Recent years , In the premise of the rapid development of domestic tourism and the enhancement of the mass entertainment consciousness , all kinds of leisure entertainment products successively produced , which promote the rise of the real-life scenery tourism performing products and its rapid growth .