
  1. 烟台市旅游资源开发规划有关问题的探讨

    Research on Some Problems of Yantai ′ s Tourism Development Planning

  2. 伊犁地区旅游资源开发与规划

    Development and Planning of the Tourist Resources in Yili Area

  3. 运用旅游资源开发、规划等理论,分析了陕西旅游产品单一、渐趋老化;

    In view of the theory of developing tourist resources , Shaanxi tourist products are analysed , which are single and gradually out of date .

  4. 介绍了地理信息系统的特点与作用,并在此基础上概括了GIS技术在旅游资源调查、开发规划与资源保护与可持续发展中的实际应用。

    The characteristics and functions of GIS were introduced , and on the base the practical applications at tour resource exploration , developing plan , conservation of resources and sustainable development with GIS were outlined .

  5. 夹漈草堂旅游风景区资源开发与规划设计

    Design and Plan for Jiaji Grass-hall Beauty Spot

  6. 从温州旅游资源的分布谈开发规划设想

    On the Program of Wenzhou 's Tourism Exploration from the Respect of the Distribution of Tourism Resources

  7. 本文对涉及哈纳斯国家级自然保护区旅游资源开发的三个规划类文本进行了比较研究。

    This paper compares three planning texts for exploitation of tourism resources in Khanas National Nature Reserve of Xinjiang , China .

  8. 因此保护、开发和利用自然地质遗迹,研究地质旅游资源的开发利用与规划问题便显得异常重要。

    Accordingly , it is very important to protect , develop and utilize the natural geological relics , at the same time , research and plan the geological tourism resources .

  9. 客源市场的研究是旅游开发的基础,为旅游资源开发与规划和旅游管理活动提供了科学依据,具有极为重要的理论意义与实践意义。

    Studying tourist resources market is the basis for developing tourism since it provides scientific basis for tourism resources development and planning as well as tourism management activities . Therefore , it has great theoretical and practical importance .

  10. 十一五期间桂林旅游产品面临如何调整产品结构,增强旅游服务功能与经济效益。结合桂林特色优势旅游资源开发项目规划研究,探讨以优势资源为主线、以文化旅游为重点提升观光型旅游产品竞争力;

    During the 11th five-year development plan , Guilin 's tourism products faces how to readjust its structure to develop its service and economic benefits .

  11. 其次在旅游资源评价方面,从《旅游资源分类、普查与评价》国家标准的实际应用效果看,与旅游资源开发规划对旅游资源评价的需求仍有一定距离和不足。

    Secondly , the actual effect and purpose of National Quality Standardization of Classification , investigation and evaluation of tourism resources can not meet the current demand of tourism development plan from the aspect of tourism resources evaluation .

  12. 前者侧重于旅游影响、旅游人类学、旅游社会学与生态旅游等方面的研究,而后者涉猎面更广泛,如对旅游经济与管理、旅游资源开发与规划等偏实用领域的关注;

    The former lays stress on the study of tourism impact , tourism anthropology , tourism sociology and ecotourism , whereas the latter involves more extensive topics , such as tourism economy and management , development of tourism resources and tourism planning , etc.