
hé dào ɡuǎn lǐ
  • River management;waterway control
  1. 基层河道管理体制改革问题探讨

    Discussion on the River Management Reform Problems at Grass Roots Level

  2. 长江河道管理机构的营销方略研究

    The Research on Marketing Strategy of the Yangtse River Administration Agency

  3. 河道管理范围内非防洪工程建设项目管理的体会

    Some Experiences from Non-flood Control Engineering Projects in River Channel Management Domain

  4. 浅谈广西河道管理范围内建设项目的审查与管理

    Examination and administration of construction projects within river management area in Guangxi

  5. 对加强广西河道管理工作的几点建议

    Suggestions for strengthening river course administration in Guangxi

  6. 辽宁省河道管理体制的初步探讨

    Discussion on river management system in Liaoning province

  7. 河道管理的现代化离不开河道的数字化管理与信息化建设。

    The modernization of the watercourse management depends on the digitalized management and Informatization construction of the watercourse .

  8. 因此,合理控制采砂规模、有效处治采砂洞成为河道管理部门迫切需要解决的重大工程问题。

    Therefore , reasonably control sand mining scale , and effectively solve sand mining hole becomes an urgent engineering problems to resolve for river management department .

  9. 水力学计算在导流明渠及挡水围堰选型和优化设计中的应用河道管理范围内建设项目报批的水力学计算问题

    Hydraulics Calculation in the Type-Chosen and Optimal Design of Open Diversion Channel & Water-Retaining Cofferdam The Hydraulic Computation Problems Concerning the Construction Project Applying and Approving in River Management

  10. 分析了近年来广西河道管理范围内存在的一些问题,针对这些问题,就如何进一步加强河道管理工作提出了几点建议。

    Based on an analysis of some problems of existing in river course administration of Guangxi in recent years , the author put forward some suggestions for further strengthening river course administration .

  11. 为保护运河,河道管理部门积极转变治水思路,改善和保护生态环境,实现水资源可持续利用。

    To protect the canal , the management office expends great effort to change people 's idea of water conservation so as to protect the ecological environment and to achieve a sustainable use of the water resource .

  12. 本文根据笔者近年经办省内河道管理范围内建设项目审批工作过程所发现的一些问题,提出了河道建设项目水力学计算的目的、原理和方法。

    Abstract : According to the problems discovered in the process of construction project approving in the area of river management of Guangdong Province , the hydraulic computation purpose , principle and method of river construction projects are introduced .

  13. 为了顺应时代的潮流和满足河道管理工作的需要,研究开发安徽数字长江信息系统是非常必要的。

    In order to comply with the trends of the times and meet river management 's needs , it is very necessary to research and develop the digital information system of the Yangtse River of Anhui ( the first stage of the project ) .

  14. 对我省河道管理现状及存在的问题作了认真分析,提出了一些可取性建议,即加强管理,实行行政首长负责制,建立流域管理体系,建设服务执法队伍等。

    This paper conscientiously analyzes the present situation and existing problems of river channel management in Shanxi Province , puts forward some desirable suggestions , such as strengthening management , carrying out responsibility system of administrative leader , establishing catchment management system , and constructing service and law enforcement ranks .

  15. 对数据库中的数据研究和分析,利用统一建模语言(UML)分析和设计数字河道信息管理系统。

    Through the research and analysis of data in the database , unified modeling language ( UML ) is used to analyze and design the digital river information management system .

  16. 系统利用地理信息系统开发平台内置的VBA语言,研制和开发了汾河河道工程管理的二次平台,实现了汾河河道工程管理的双向查询、地图操作、信息查询、信息管理和图形交互显示等。

    The further platform system on engineering management of Fenhe River is developed and researched by VBA language built-in GIS , that is realized the bidirectional search , map operation , information query , information management and graph interactive display etc in river engineering management .

  17. 长江河道采砂管理实践与展望

    Practice and prospect of sand mining management in the Yangtze river

  18. 黄河下游河道工程管理

    Administration of Channel Works in the Lower Reaches of Yellow River

  19. 大连市数字河道信息管理系统的开发研究

    Development and Research of Dalian City Digital River Information Management System

  20. 网格化手段在河道长效管理中应用的探讨

    Discussion on Application of Gridding Measure in Long-term-effect Management of River

  21. 山西省河道工程管理浅议

    Discussion on the River Course Engineering Management in Shanxi Province

  22. 长江河道采砂管理的实践与对策建议

    Practice and strategy on management of sand excavation in Yangtze river channel

  23. 长江模式与江西河道采砂管理

    Yangtze River Model and sand excavation management in river courses in Jiangxi

  24. 数字河道信息管理系统的研究与开发

    The Research and Development of Digital River Information Management System

  25. 山区河道采砂管理初探河道采砂治理适用法律法规探析

    Laws and regulations for directing management of sand excavation in river courses

  26. 试论河道采砂管理与和谐社会建设

    On management of sand mining in the river channel and harmonic society construction

  27. 采砂权拍卖后的河道采砂管理

    Sand excavation management after sand excavation right auction

  28. 贯彻《长江河道采砂管理条例》的成效与问题

    Effect and problems of carrying out the Regulation of Sand Excavation Management in the Yangtze River

  29. 河道采砂管理的难点及对策用科学手段依法管理长江河道采砂

    Difficulties in management of sand excavation and countermeasures Sand excavation in Yangtze river by scientific means

  30. 水库及其下游河道洪水管理控制问题的研究与应用

    Study on the Problem of Flood Management and Control in the Reservoir and its Downstream Channel