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hé nán zhuì zi
  • ballad singing to the accompaniment of the zhuiqin;popular in Henan Province
河南坠子 [hé nán zhuì zǐ]
  • [Henan zhuizi] 曲艺的一种。近代由道情和莺歌柳等衍化而成。音乐属板腔体,表演有单口、对口、群口三种形式,以坠琴、简板等乐器伴奏,节目、曲目丰富

  1. 加强政策扶持力度,不断推出新人新作,重视演出内容和形式的创新,是河南坠子发展的希望所在。

    To revive it , we have to help it with favorable policies , train new performers , stage new performances and make innovations in both contents and forms .