
hé wān
  • river bend;cove;hook;ancon
河湾 [hé wān]
  • [river bend] 河流中弯曲的河段

河湾[hé wān]
  1. 最常发生的情况是,当我们一从小河湾里划出来,我就会立刻觉察到周围开阔的空间。

    Frequently , as we emerge from the shelter of a cove or inlet , I am suddenly conscious of the spaciousness of the air about me .

  2. 交响乐团:在音乐厅和河湾。

    Symphony Orchestra : At Music Hall and Riverbend .

  3. 河湾音乐剧院:凯洛格大街6295号。

    Riverbend Music Theater : 6295 Kellogg Ave .

  4. 常规季9月到次年5月在音乐厅上演,夏天则在河湾。

    Regular season runs September through May at Music Hall in summer at Riverbend .

  5. 我们也认识到在河湾内控制影响的多样性和复杂性。

    We also recognize the diversity and complexity of controlling in fluences in estuaries .

  6. 有在阴雨天和姥爷一起到乡村河湾钓鱼的喜悦

    There was the excitement of fishing in country creeks with my grandpa on cloudy days .

  7. BP神经网络预测河湾最大冲刷深度

    BP Neural Network Model-Based Prediction of Maximal Scour-Depth at River Bends

  8. 象征手法在V.S.奈保尔《河湾》中的运用

    The Use of Symbolism in V.S. Naipaul 's A Bend in the River

  9. 运用自组织理论和方法建立河湾的演化方程.结合Fokker-Planck方程解析解的性质与Langevin方程的动力学特征,推断河湾演变的基本规律如对称破缺、形态转变、演变趋势及速度等。

    The evolution equations of river bends are proposed by using the self-organized theory and method which are the Fokker-Planck equation and the Langevin equation .

  10. 通过张河湾抽水蓄能电站上水库闸门井VCR法爆破施工应用与探讨,为类似工程提供了可贵经验和借鉴。

    The application of VCR method in the excavation for gate shaft in Zhanghewan Pumped Storage Power Station is discussed , this paper provides valuable experiences and references to similar projects .

  11. 迁徙和杂交:失落在非洲腹地的异乡客&评V.S.奈保尔的《河湾》中的霸权话语

    Migration and Mixture : Lost Stranger in the African Hinterland & Comments on the Supreme words in V.S.Naipaul ′ s A Bend in the River

  12. 本文主要介绍HK-G-2环氧灌浆材料的性能及在景洪水电站、张河湾水电站等压力钢管钢衬脱空补强中的应用。

    This paper introduced the performance of HK-G-2 epoxy grouting material and its application in steel lining void treatment at Jinghong hydropower station , Zhanghewan hydropower station and et al .

  13. 河湾路基侵蚀机理与防治措施

    Erosion mechanism and protection measures of highway subgrade along bend river

  14. 河湾副流横向输沙问题的研究

    Study on Transverse sediment Transport of secondary Flow in River Bend

  15. 山区沿河路基河湾凹岸的护坦防护

    Apron Protection for Concave Bank Along River Subgrade of Mountain Area

  16. 一座小桥横跨河湾。

    A small bridge spans the arm of the river .

  17. 河湾水流特征及河湾冲刷最大水深

    Flow Characteristics and Maximum Scouring Water Depth in River Bend

  18. 河湾最大冲刷水深计算研究

    Counting on the maximum scouring water depth in river bend

  19. 河湾水流与河床冲淤综合分析

    Synthetical analysis of flow in river bend and bed scouring or silting

  20. 河湾水力特性分析及河湾冲刷输沙率的探讨

    Discussing the Flow Characteristics and the Sands Transportation Rate in River Bend

  21. 一片停滞的湿地,尤其是河湾的一部分。

    A stagnant swamp ( especially as part of a bayou ) .

  22. 这个平原上,许多大河的宽阔河湾纵横交错。

    The plain was crossed by the broad meanders of great rivers .

  23. 影响河湾凹岸最大冲刷深度的因素众多,而且这些因素的关系是非线性的。

    Many factors of non-linear relationships affect the maximal scour-depth at river bends .

  24. 确定无河湾海水涡动扩散系数的一种方法

    A Method to Determine the Eddy Diffusive Coefficient in Semi - Closed Bay

  25. 锰-硼钢等温转变曲线河湾形状及其形成机制探讨

    An Investigation on the Bay-Like Shape TTT Curves in Mn & B Steels

  26. 一处河湾,我很喜欢远处高山的颜色。

    In one river basin , I was enchanted by the color of mountain .

  27. 几亿年前,河湾周围会有些什么呢?

    What was around the bend in rivers hundreds of millions of years ago ?

  28. 就在河湾附近等待?

    Waiting just around the Niven bend ?

  29. 试论早期人类占据河湾盆地的时代

    A Tentative Discussion on the Age of the Ancient Human Occupation of the Nihewan Basin

  30. 天然冲积河湾成因及形态规律

    Study on the form law and the causes of formation in natural alluvial river meanders