
hé yùn
  • river transport;transport by boat on the river
河运 [hé yùn]
  • [river transport] 内陆河流的运输

河运[hé yùn]
  1. 河运是应该大力发展的运输方式。

    River transport is a transportation way that should be developed .

  2. 河运与城市经济发展的关系&兼论汾江河运对佛山名镇的制约作用

    The Relationship Between River Transport and Municipal Economic Development

  3. 巴拉圭&巴拉那水道河运协定

    Agreement on River Transport for the Paraguay - Parana Waterway

  4. 河运通畅是城市发展的重要因素。

    Clear river transport plays an important role in the municipal development .

  5. 此时他们有两种选择,海运或河运。

    They had two options at that time , sea or river .

  6. 清末,漕粮河运停止,水手被遣散。

    At the end of the Qing Dynasty , water transport stopped , and sailors were dismissed .

  7. 几个星期后我们进入港口,安排利用河运返回首都。

    A few weeks later , we entered port and arranged for river transportation back to the capital city .

  8. 现代独竹漂运动是贵州赤水河流域河运文化与现代体育表演、竞技文化的结晶。

    It is a crystal of Guizhou Chishui River Basin River transportation culture and modern sports show , sports culture .

  9. 密西西比河长达300英里河段的所有河运业务全部中断,当地的许多铁路与公路运输也是如此。

    All river traffic on 300 miles of the Mississippi has been stopped , as have many local rail lines and roads .

  10. 作为全欧洲最为繁忙的水上运输通道之一,每年通过莱茵河运送的各种货物总量多达数百万吨。

    It is one of Europe 's busiest waterways , a formidable conduit that handles millions of tonnes of traffic a year .

  11. 天然的海运、河运港口吸纳四面八方的外来因素,也将天津自身的特质传播出去。

    Tianjin is influenced by many foreign elements from all directions through the natural maritime and river ports ; meanwhile , she also shows her own characteristics to the world .

  12. 但是,在富有进取精神的冯霍恩费尔斯和自鸣得意的特里尔主教之间,是否存在经济和道义上的不同?这些主教富足的教会管辖区所依赖的,正是他们得到授权后征收的河运收入。

    But is there an economic or moral difference between the enterprising von HOHENFELS and the complacent archbishops of Trier , whose rich ecclesiastical domains relied on the revenues they derived from authorised levies on river traffic ?

  13. 在海运与河运的竞争中,胶莱运河经过两次较大规模的开凿,元世祖时期和明嘉靖年间,然而两次开凿都不成功,最后被废弃。

    When river competed with sea , jiao lai Canal had been scale chiseled twice , Ming Jia jing and Yuan Shi zu , but two sinking were both not successful , and finally it was abandoned .

  14. 对于海运而言,山东半岛成山角是一个很大的阻碍;对于河运而言,黄河不时改道,冲击大运河,淤塞河道,麻烦不断。

    For sea , mountains of Shandong peninsula point is a big hindrance ; for river , Yellow River diversion from time to time , hit the Grand Canal , blockage of river , also bring big trouble .

  15. 发达的河运交通使得河运安全问题也凸显出来,河运事业的安全与否既受气象灾害、河道通航条件等环境因素的影响,也有江河盗匪劫掠、地方分裂势力侵扰等人为因素的影响。

    The developed river traffic made the river transportation security issues became prominent . The safety of river was not only caused by the meteorological disasters , river navigation conditions and other environmental factors ; but also by the river bandits plunder , local separatist forces and other factors .