
  • 网络border region government
  1. 党和边区政府与之进行了有效的斗争。

    The Communist Party and the Border Region government fought with them effectively .

  2. 李鼎铭,一九四一年十一月被选为陕甘宁边区政府副主席。

    Li Ting-ming had been elected Vice-Chairman of the Shensi-Kansu-Ningsia Border Region Government in November 1941 .

  3. 陕甘宁边区政府缉私研究(1937-1949年)

    Research on Smuggling of the Government of Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region ( 1937-1949 );

  4. 边区政府把干部管理纳入法制轨道的思路与举措,对我国现行干部制度建设具有积极的启示意义。

    Such thinking ways and measures stili have active enlightenment meaning for the present cadre construction system .

  5. 边区政府对西方教会采取了一系列具体的政策和措施,并取得了良好的成果。

    The series of policies and measures which the Border Region government took have brought positive effect .

  6. 论抗日战争时期陕甘宁边区政府的社会保障建设

    The Studying of Shanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Area Government ′ s Construction of Social Security in Terms of Anti-Japanese War Period

  7. 陕甘宁边区政府第八路军后方留守处布告。

    Proclamation by the government of the Shensi-Kansu-Ningsia Border Region and the rear headquarters of the Eighth Route army .

  8. 江苏淮安高职院校图书馆资源共建共享实施研究淮安市苏皖边区政府旧址纪念馆设计

    Research on the Implementation of the Resources Co-constructing and Sharing in the Libraries of Higher Vocational Colleges in Huai'an City of Jiangsu Province

  9. 李鼎铭,陕北的开明士绅,曾被选为陕甘宁边区政府的副主席。

    3Li dingming , an enlightened landlord of Northen Shaanxi province , was at one time elected vice-chairman of the shaan-gansu-ningxia border region government .

  10. 陕甘宁边区政府建立后,在政治、经济、文化制度上进行了一系列的改革。

    There were reforms to the political , economic , and cultural systems upon the establishment of the Government of the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Area .

  11. 在特殊历史环境下,边区政府处理好与西方教会间的关系显得尤为重要。

    Under the special historical background , it became very important for the Border Region government to deal well with its relations with western church .

  12. 会议开了四十天,代表们在会上正式成立了晋冀鲁豫边区政府,制定了基本纲领。

    At this meeting , which lasted forty days , the delegates formally founded the Shansi-Hopei-Shantung-Honan Border Region government and drew up a basic program .

  13. 问:有些人说,统一战线是重要的,但是按照统一,边区政府就应该取消。

    Question : Some people say that the united front is important but that the Border Region Government should be abolished for the sake of unification .

  14. 在实际工作中,陕甘宁边区政府坚持灵活运用的方针,各项政策均统筹兼顾到边区各阶层人民的利益,并且根据形势变化不断调整宗教政策的具体内容。

    Every policy considered overall the interests of the different strata . And according to the situation changes , the Party adjusted the specific content of religious policies constantly .

  15. 为确保农村经济的恢复和发展,边区政府颁布了一系列法令、条例,建立了比较完备的农业法规体系。

    To ensure the restoration and development of agriculture , border region government issued a series of decrees and regulations , and set up relatively complete agricultural statute system .

  16. 边区政府把这篇小说印成单行本发行。这是赵树理创作道路的开端,他在一年的时间内又写了六七本书和几个剧本。

    This was the beginning of a creative period which resulted in Chao 's turning out half a dozen books and a number of plays within the space of a year .

  17. 边区政府和人民克服种种困难,建立起了主要包括国民教育(中、小学教育)、干部教育和民众教育在内的较为完善的教育体系。

    The Border Areas government and people overcame various difficulties , established the relatively complete education system mainly including the education to school age children , to cadre and to the masses .

  18. 首先,边区政府号召根据地军民树立正确的救灾思想,使群众正确认识和对待灾荒,坚定战胜灾荒的信心。

    First , the government summoned soldiers and civilians to establish the correct disaster relief ideology , causes the populace correct understanding of the treatment famine , strengthen the conviction to overcome famine .

  19. 边区政府领导根据地军民开展救灾运动,采取治标与治本并重的救灾措施。

    The government leads the army and the people to launch the movement providing disaster relief , takes the measure providing disaster relief of giving temporary relief and getting a permanent cure and regarding as equally important .

  20. 延安时期,为了巩固政权、动员民众,陕甘宁边区政府采取了一系列措施加强基层干部队伍建设,主要是加强对基层干部队伍的学习教育;

    During the Yan'an period , in order to consolidate the political power and mobilize the mass , the government of the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region took a series of measures to build the basic-level group of cadres .

  21. 甚至充当暗探,联络土匪,煽动部队哗变,实行测绘地图,秘密调查情况,公开进行反对边区政府的宣传。

    Some of them are even acting as spies , conspiring with bandits , inciting our soldiers to mutiny , making surveys and maps of our region , secretly collecting information , or openly spreading propaganda against the border region government .

  22. 边区政府在抗日根据地倡导用婚姻自由原则变革旧式婚姻而引发的矛盾冲突说明:婚姻变革只有在社会结构整体改变的基础上才能够实现。

    The conflicts that resulted from advocating for changing the old marriage system through the principle of freedom of marriage made by the government of Anti-Japanese border area show that the realization of marriage improvement must be on the basis of changing the whole society structure .

  23. 在实践上,边区人民政府给予人民广泛的政治权利、经济、文化权利;

    In practice , the border region government gave people extensive rights in politic , economical and cultural field ;

  24. 她坚持反腐倡廉,把边区建成了廉洁政府;

    She constructed a clean government in Border Region by insisting on opposing corruption and advocating honesty and clean .

  25. 在陕甘宁边区存在的13年间,边区政府、边区高等法院十分重视法官队伍建设,为建立一支高素质的法官队伍作出了贡献。

    During the 13 years of existence of the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region , the government and the superior court paid much attention to the construction of the judge procession and made a contribution to building up a judge procession of high quality .

  26. 日本帝国主义的侵略,国民政府的苛捐杂税,频繁发生的自然灾害,造成了大量难民不断涌入陕甘宁边区,从而使难民问题成为了当时边区政府一个严重的政治和社会问题。

    Japanese imperialism invasion , exorbitant taxes and levies of the nationalist government , frequent natural disasters , have caused a large number of refugees pouring into the Shanxi-Gansu-Ningxia border region , thus the refugees become a serious political and social problems of the government .