
  • 网络Border terrier
  1. 这一周,我的政府通过努力达到了市我们国家边境更安全的重要的目标。

    This week , my administration met a key objective in our efforts to better secure our nation 's border .

  2. 当前韩朝两国之间的冲突证明了一个广泛的全球趋势,即富国与穷国的边境更容易爆发动乱。

    The current conflict between the Koreas illustrates a broader global trend toward chaos along borders separating rich and poor countries .

  3. 美国疾病控制中心负责科研和健康事务的代理主任舒哈特说,美国有比关闭边境更有效的方法来防范病毒的蔓延。

    Rear Admiral Anne Schuchat , the Center for Disease Control 's interim science and public health deputy director , said there are more effective ways to curb the spread of the virus .

  4. 该法案减少非法移民让我们的边境更安宁,同时为已经在我国生活的黑户移民一条可以取得公民身份的途径,只要他们缴清罚金、开始纳税、排队等待审批流程。

    That bill would have secured our border , while giving undocumented immigrants who already live here a pathway to citizenship if they paid a fine , started paying their taxes , and went to the back of the line .

  5. 新楼中有5栋留给渔民村的前村民,许多人将他们的公寓出租给那些越过边境寻找更廉价房产的香港居民。

    Five of the towers were reserved for former villagers , many of whom rent their flats to Hong Kong residents who have migrated across the border in search of cheaper property .

  6. 陆地边境比海上边境更能促进思想和生活方式的交流。

    Land borders have greater porosity to ideas and lifestyles than marine ones .

  7. 可以说各国之间的贸易关系是各国经济最为牢固的纽带。对一个边境地区而言,更是如此。

    It can be said that trade relations in each country are the most substance economic ties .

  8. 我国加入世贸组织,不仅不会影响边境贸易发展,而且会使边境贸易获得更完备的法律保护和更优惠的政策支持。

    The fact that China attended the WTO not only has no negative influence upon the border trade development , but makes the trade have a law protection and a more favorable policy support .