
hé gǎng
  • River port;harbor;river and harbour
河港 [hé gǎng]
  • [harbor] 河流沿岸的港口

河港[hé gǎng]
  1. 对海南东寨港河港河口海莲红树林土壤CH4动态进行研究。

    CH4 dynamics in sediments of a Bruguiera sexangula mangrove were studied at Hegang estuary of Dongzhai harbor in Hainan .

  2. 河港挖入式港池中若干问题探讨

    Discussion on Some Problems of the Dug-in Basin at River Ports

  3. 河港工程软土地基处理方法探讨

    Discussion on Soft Soil Foundation Treatment Method for River Harbour Project

  4. 提高河港码头岸坡稳定性的几点认识

    Some Knowledge about Improvement of Wharf Bank Stability in River Ports

  5. 河港集疏运能力的因素浅析

    Analysis of Factors Exerting Influence on Throughput Capacity of a River Port

  6. 一个小河港发展成了一座大城市。

    The small river port developed into a big city .

  7. 水泥厂河港码头与装卸设备选型

    River Port and Loading Equipment Selection for Cement Plant

  8. 建城于11世纪,是铁路枢纽和河港。

    Founded in the11th century , it is a railroad junction and river port .

  9. 流域内最大的或重要的河港城市:全流域意义的中心城市。

    Being the biggest or important river port city in the drainage basin ; being the central city with significance of the whole basin .

  10. 一些有权势的政界和商界人物已经在炮轰中国这个项目了。他们的河港和大豆加工中心可能会受到铁路的威胁。

    Powerful political and business figures , whose river ports and soybean processing centers could be threatened by the railway , are already blasting the Chinese venture .

  11. 太湖地区河港纵横,集水量大,地下水位高,必须有相应的水利建设和排灌设施,并经常做好管理养护工作,才能保证农业的丰收。

    In Taihu District , the numerous rivers and lakes have abundant water supply , and the groundwater level is high , which are advantageous to agriculture .

  12. 愿主耶稣基督在泸州得荣耀。泸州是四川东南部一古老的河港,是肥沃农业区的商业中心。

    Pray for the Lord Jesus Christ to be glorified in LUZHOU , an ancient river port in southeast Sichuan and commercial center for a fertile agricultural region .

  13. 根据株洲市1991~1997年5条主要河港的水质监测结果,对市区港水污染特征进行了分析。

    From the contaminant contents in the water of 5 habours monitored from 1991 to 1997 , we studied the pollution charateristics of the harbour water in Zhuzhou city .

  14. 随着天津海港和河港的发展,通过海河的船舶朝着大型化的方向发展,而且通航的船舶数量明显增加。

    With the development of Tianjin port and haihe river ports , the ships is developing towards the direction of large-scale which navigate in Haihe River , and the number is growing greatly .

  15. 水平受荷桩基础在河港、桥梁、高耸塔型建筑、近海钻采平台、支挡建筑以及抗震工程中,有着十分广泛的应用。

    The lateral loaded pile groups foundation in the ports , bridges , high-rise tower-type construction , offshore drilling platforms , construction of retaining and seismic engineering , has a very wide range of applications .

  16. 苏丹下令大约1万2千到1万5千名南苏丹人在星期六前离开白尼罗州的河港城市库斯提。此前苏丹和邻国南苏丹在边境地区交战一个多月后,宣布边境地区进入紧急状态。

    Sudan has ordered between 12000 and 15000 South Sudanese to leave Kosti , a river port in White Nile state , by Saturday , after declaring a state of emergency in border areas where it has been fighting its neighbor for more than a month .