
  1. 二是加强行业管理,实现旅游生产力的均衡发展;

    Secondly , industry management should be strengthened to realize equilibrium development of tourism productivity .

  2. 鄱阳湖区旅游生产力布局与产品开发初探

    A Tentative Study on Productive Forces Layout of Tourism and Products Exploitation in Poyang Lake Area

  3. 其根本原因之一是旅游生产力缺乏合理的空间布局。

    One of its basic reasons is that the tourism productive forces still lack of the reasonable spatial network .

  4. 宁夏旅游业生产力空间布局研究

    A study on the spatial allocation of tourism productivity in Ningxia

  5. 安图县旅游业生产力布局的研究

    Study on distribution of touring productive force at Antu county

  6. 乡村旅游是社会生产力高度发展的结果,是历史发展阶段的产物。

    Rural tourism is a result of social productive forces of highly development is a product of the historical stage of development .

  7. 在全球性现代化发展的进程中,旅游作为社会生产力发展到一定阶段的产物,成为社会物质文明和社会精神文明发展的共同体现。

    In the process of the global modernization development , tourism as a product about the development of social productive forces to a certain stage , and become a common expression for the development of a social material and spiritual .

  8. 旅游是一定社会生产力发展阶段产生的社会现象,生态旅游是传统旅游的发展与现代文明的需求和象征。

    Tourism is a social phenomenon which occurs in a certain developing stage of social productivity , and ecological tourism derives from traditional tourism and is the need and symbol of modern civilization .

  9. 旅游形象建设是旅游生产力。

    The construction of the tourist image is kind of productive force .

  10. 根据长江三峡地区的旅游开发现状,设计旅游生产力要素整合开发模式,形成共同利益的旅游开发合力。

    According to the status of tourism exploitation in the three gorges area , conformity exploitation mode of the productivity factors is designed , in order to form the resultant of forces in tourism exploitation for common benefits .

  11. 目前,旅游景区(点)已成为我国旅游业重要的生产力要素及旅游创收创汇的重要来源,它是旅游目的地主要的旅游吸引物,是目的地旅游形象的重要体现。

    At present , tourist attractions have been a very important productivity essential in tourism industry and they also have been the sources of getting tourism revenue and foreign exchange . They are the main attractions and the important embodiment of tourism image of destinations .

  12. 旅游交通是游客到旅游目的地完成旅游的必备条件,是旅游生产力的重要组成部分,在旅游业中具有举足轻重的地位。

    Transportation is indispensable for the tourists ' traffic to finish their tourism , and plays an important role in the tourism productivity and the tourism industry .

  13. 因而,对于区域旅游产业集聚内涵、机制与模式的研究,对于科学规划区域旅游产业生产力布局、促进区域旅游产业结构优化升级具有重要的意义。

    Thus , the research on the agglomeration mechanisms and modes of the regional tourism industry is significant , which plan the distribution of productive forces the regional tourism industry scientific , promote the optimization and upgrading of industrial structure of regional tourism .

  14. 文化旅游创意产业是市场经济条件下文化旅游建设的新形态和“文化旅游生产力”的重要组成部分。

    The cultural tourism creating industry has become the new style of constructing cultural tourism in the market economy and an important part of the cultural tourism productive forces .

  15. 旅游资源是人们选择旅游目的地的决定性因素,旅游资源的空间分布对旅游生产力的布局产生着深刻的影响。

    Tourism resources is the main determinant factor that people depends on to choose their tourism destination . The spatial distribution in tourism resources makes an profound influence on the distribution of tourism productivity system .