
  • 网络Brigade
  1. 本文以GPS车载定位为依托,实验性的设计和实现了一套服务于军队旅团级指挥信息化的车载武器的信息管理系统。

    In this paper , with the basis of GPS vehicle positioning , as an experiment , we Designed and implemented a system of Information management which can service in the military command of the brigade and regiment level of vehicle-mounted weapon .

  2. 这些在陆上作战中心(TOCs)被安装了在营和旅团水平和和武器平台和战斗用车辆上。

    These were installed in tactical operations centres ( TOCs ) at battalion and brigade levels , and on weapons platforms and combat vehicles .

  3. 基于.NET的部队旅团政治工作管理信息系统

    Information System of Army Political Work Management Based on . NET

  4. 旅团单位生活服务中心财务管理存在的问题及审计对策

    Financial management in the living service centers of brigade and regiment

  5. 搞好旅团生活费管理做部队建设的红管家

    Lock red briefly on the management of troops living expenses

  6. 旅团卫生队全科医学服务模式研究

    The Study of General Practice Model of Regimental Medical Detachment

  7. 很多狩猎之旅团提供有私人主厨的奢侈旅馆。

    Many safari groups offer luxurious hotels with personal chefs .

  8. 旅团部队应先行建立办公用品集中采购制度旅行各地的商品推销员

    On establishing the centralized acquisition system of office goods in brigade and regiment

  9. 旅团部队生活费规范化管理考评探讨

    The examination and evaluation of living expenses standard management in brigade and regiment

  10. 旅团级生活服务中心绩效审计问题研究

    Research on Problem of the Performance Audit in the Brigade-regiment Level Living Service Center

  11. 坚持五抓提高旅团部队生活费保障效能

    Briefly on improving the support efficacy of the living expenses in brigade and regiment

  12. 旅团生活服务中心应注重抓三个问题

    Management of service centers in brigades and regiments

  13. 但是派驻这样一支部队需要花费时间。旅团部队生活费规范化管理考评探讨

    But raising such a force will take time . the examination and evaluation of living expenses standard management in brigade and regiment

  14. 旅团兵器部发给时,大队兵器系军官对我说明赤筒是属于毒瓦斯的范围内的。

    When the Brigade Armament Department issued them , a Battalion Armament Department officer told me that the red colored canisters were categorized as poison gas weapons .

  15. 哈米斯是卡扎菲上校精英部队哈米斯旅团的指挥官。该部队以残忍而臭名昭著。

    Khamis Gaddafi was head of one of Colonel Gaddafi 's elite military brigades , known as the Khamis Brigade , a unit with a notorious reputation for brutality .

  16. 书院与香港童军总会合作,于本学年推出四个工作坊,供学生参加。活动目标旨在让同学体验旅团生活的乐趣,并培养同学成为未来的社会服务型领袖。

    The College and the Hong Kong Scout Association jointly introduce four workshops in this academic year , which aims at providing an experience of Scout way and training of social leaders .

  17. 1943年4月份,对宛平县南方地区之旅团作战,旅团预备队把该地区(东斋堂西南方约60公里)的村庄烧毁了数个。

    In April 1943 , in a brigade battle to the south of Wanping County , the reserve forces burnt down several villages ( about 60 kilometers to the southwest of Dongzhaitang ) in that area ;

  18. 最后,通过对某一军队旅团级单位的绩效审计案例,实证建立军队绩效评价指标体系的可行性和科学性,为我军应用平衡计分卡进行绩效审计提供了一些有益的参考。

    Finally , the performance audit of a military brigade-level units , empirical establish the feasibility and scientific army performance evaluation index system , provide some useful reference for the military application of the Balanced Scorecard performance audit .

  19. 近年来,虽然越来越多的管理系统软件被应用到军事训练实践之中,但是基层旅团单位对军事训练信息的管理仍然采用着手工或半手工的传统管理模式。

    Recently , more and more management software systems are utilized in military training practice , but some units like brigade or regiment still use traditional way of handwork or half handicraft to manage the information of military training yet .

  20. 因此,旅团部队的参谋军官队伍建设不仅受到测评与选拔方法滞后于现实要求这一普遍问题的制约,而且面临着特殊的困难。

    Therefore , the construction of staff officer ranks in the brigade and the regiment troops is not only restricted by a general problem , that the traditional methods of talent assessment and selection lag behind the practical requirements , but also face particular difficulties .

  21. 本研究在文献回顾和专家访谈的基础上,利用专家咨询的方法,筛选和确定评价指标,运用层次分析法赋予指标权重,建立了旅团卫生队军医专业素质评价指标体系。

    Through literature review and specialist interview , evaluation index was elected with the method of specialist consultation , the weight of indexes was endued with analytic hierarchy process ( AHP ) . Evaluation index system of military doctors ' professional quality in brigade and regiment health teams was built .