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  1. 他说,在加沙的暴力摧毁去年安纳波利斯会议开始的脆弱和平进程之前,他们两人只有有限的时间来取得进展。

    He says now both men have a limited amount of time to show progress before the violence in Gaza overwhelms the fragile peace process begun last year at the Annapolis conference .

  2. 巴勒斯坦人极力抱怨以色列最近在约旦河西岸的定居点增盖房屋的做法,尽管与此同时,双方谈判人员正在努力地按照去年安纳波利斯会议上所保证的那样,在今年年底达成一项和平协议。

    Palestinians have bitterly complained about recent Israeli moves to add housing units to West Bank settlements , even as negotiators for the two sides are working for a peace accord by year 's end , as pledged at last November 's Annapolis conference .

  3. 当前,对于上个月在安纳波利斯会议上启动的巴以和谈,人们普遍持怀疑态度,尤其是阿拉伯世界。

    The conference comes amid scepticism , particularly in the Arab world , over the start of Israeli-Palestinian negotiations launched last month at the Annapolis meeting .

  4. 沙特阿拉伯国,和叙利亚和其它阿拉伯国家出席在安纳波利斯会议上对以色列是有利的,以色列希望能见到其与邻国间的贸易和其它联系同样也与巴勒斯坦间的。

    The presence of Saudi Arabia , Syria and other Arab states at Annapolis is a benefit for Israel , which would like to see more trade and other ties with its neighbors as well as with the Palestinians .

  5. 美国国务卿赖斯曾经说过,今年年底之前不会达成巴、以和平协议,不过她认为,去年11月在美国马里兰州首府安纳波利斯会议上启动的和平谈判将继续下去,并最终会取得成果。

    U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice has said a peace agreement will not be reached by the end of the year , but said the peace talks , which got underway at the Annapolis Maryland conference in November of last year , will continue and ultimately bear fruit .

  6. 以巴领导人自从去年11月在马里兰首府安纳波利斯的和平会议上保证在今年年底前达成一个和平协议以来,以色列总理奥尔默特和巴勒斯坦领导人阿巴斯举行了数轮谈判。

    Since they met last year at Annapolis , Maryland and pledged to reach a peace deal by the end of this year , Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and President Mahmoud Abbas have held several rounds of talks .

  7. 以色列一个活跃的组织现在就取得和平发表的报告说,自去年11月在美国马里兰州的安纳波利斯举行中东和平会议以来,以色列已经批准在约旦河西岸修建1700所新住宅。

    A report from the Israeli activist group Peace Now says Israel has approved the construction of1,700 new homes in the West Bank since last November 's Annapolis , Maryland Mideast Peace conference .