
  • 网络underwood;carrie underwood
  1. 弗兰西斯·J·安德伍德图书馆

    the Francis J. Underwood library .

  2. 在超高清分辨率下,即便是淡定的弗兰西斯・安德伍德(FrancisUnderwood)也会出汗。这是真的。

    Even the unflappable Francis Underwood perspires in ultra high definition .

  3. 塞思·格雷森(SethGrayson)也会让安德伍德总统头疼。

    Seth Grayson also should make President Underwood nervous .

  4. 道格·斯坦普(DougStamper)恢复了“健康”,继续为安德伍德从事邪恶的勾当。

    Doug Stamper is " healthy " again and back to doing Underwood 's evil bidding .

  5. 连锁餐厅——比萨马上诺(PizzaExpress)的人力资源总监阿曼达•安德伍德(AmandaUnderwood)对使用领英招聘餐厅员工很乐观。

    Amanda Underwood , human resources director at PizzaExpress , the restaurant chain , is optimistic about using LinkedIn to recruit restaurant staff .

  6. 凯莉.安德伍德以“BeforeHeCheats”单曲赢得格莱美最佳乡村女声表演奖。

    Carrie Underwood , a Grammy winner for Best Female Vocal Country Performance for " Before He Cheats ," said backstage in Los Angeles the British singer deserves the honors .

  7. 第四季于周五在Netflix上演,重新拾起了这个紧张的时刻,并且继续讲述安德伍德谋求连任的历程。

    The fourth season , which went live on Netflix on Friday , picks up where that charged moment left off , while also continuing to follow Underwood as he campaigns for re-election .

  8. 在新一季的《纸牌屋》(HouseofCards)中,美中关系成为重点。由凯文・史派西(KevinSpacey)扮演的诡计多端的美国副总统弗兰克・安德伍德(FrankUnderwood)在剧中与一名腐败的中国商人秘密交易。

    U.S. - China relations are front and center in the new season of ' House of Cards , ' which has scheming U.S. Vice President Frank Underwood , played by Kevin Spacey , backchanneling with a corrupt Chinese businessman .

  9. 如上所示,上周末Cogent每天长达12小时满负荷地向康卡斯特和Verizon输出数据,这个时间段很可能是观众欣赏安德伍德(FrankUnderwood)大作的时间。

    As you can see , Cogent 's outbound flows to Comcast and Verizon ran at full capacity for as much as 12 hours a day over the weekend -- the same time viewers were likely following Frank Underwood 's machinations .

  10. 让众多粉丝翘首以盼的Netflix公司热播剧《纸牌屋》第三季终于在上周开播,而不论是华盛顿、硅谷,还是其他地方的当权派,肯定会与主角弗兰克o安德伍德产生一定程度的共鸣。

    As many of us start binge watching the third season of Netflix 's House of Cards , which aired last week , it 's clear that top dogs from Washington to Silicon Valley and everywhere in between can identify , at least to some extent , with the main character , Frank Underwood .

  11. 安德伍德进入德伍德的森林取回了他的内衣裤。

    Underwood went into Durwood 's woods and got his underwear .

  12. 有位安德伍德先生来访

    There 's a Mr. Underwood here to see you .

  13. 弗兰克o安德伍德从来不会因为一时的挫折而把太多时间浪费在沮丧上面。

    Frank Underwood doesn 't waste much time feeling bad about setbacks .

  14. 凯莉•安德伍德还没准备好穿上黛安娜般复古感的连身衣?

    CARRIE UNDERWOOD Not quite ready to take on Diane 's retro-inspired jumpsuit ?

  15. 但和安德伍德一样,《纸牌屋》最后胜利了。

    But like Mr. Underwood , ' House of Cards ' ultimately triumphed .

  16. 就这样,安德伍德说,你去他就去

    Underwood says he 's in if you are .

  17. 安德伍德如果知道他的书在哪儿的话,他就会读一读。

    Underwood would read the book if Underwood knew where his book was .

  18. 幸会,安德伍德太太

    Very nice to meet you , Mrs. Underwood .

  19. 安德伍德太太,非常感谢

    Mrs. Underwood , thank you so much .

  20. 上周他父亲买了台安德伍德牌打字机。

    His father bought an Uuderwood last week .

  21. 面对面,你和安德伍德

    one on one , you and Underwood .

  22. 让自己如凯莉.安德伍德这样,用纯白色系组合打造出清新宜人的风格吧!

    Keep your style fresh by rocking a clean color combination like Carrie Underwood .

  23. 安德伍德在利用你,佐伊

    Underwood 's been using you , Zoe .

  24. 而总统最终没有兑现诺言,于是安德伍德开始实施一系列复仇行动。

    When the president breaks that promise , Underwood embarks on a campaign of revenge .

  25. 你当中间人,你当安德伍德

    You moderate , you play Underwood .

  26. 安德伍德议员是爸爸的老板

    Congressman Underwood is daddy 's boss .

  27. 安德伍德议员在三号线

    Congressman Underwood on line three .

  28. 1920年代的安德伍德五号打字机

    on a 1920s Underwood 5 ,

  29. 彼得里奇的一位律师、史蒂文•安德伍德对此未予置评。

    One of Petriches ' attorneys , Steven Underwood , refused to comment for the story .

  30. 安德伍德想让他赢

    Underwood wanted him to win .