
  1. 水库大坝巧夺天工。加高之后,水位提升,形成百米落差。甘甜的汉江水自流三千里,一路到北京。

    The fresh water from Han River will run with the forces generated by the100 meters height differences all the way to Beijing after the heightening of the dam .

  2. 虽然我们休息的地方离罗湖桥香港那边只有一箭之遥,但我们感觉自己已经置身三千里之外。

    Although we were sitting only a stone 's throw from the Hong Kong side of the bridge , it felt like we were already a million miles away .

  3. 水通南国三千里,气压江城十四洲,著名女词人李清照的诗句深动概括了金华的重要位置和雄伟气势。

    Three thousand miles of water lead to the South , the momentum pressures fourteen Island River City . Li Qingzhao , the famous poetess in Song Period once vividly summarized the important position and the magnificence of Jinhua .

  4. 到底是买本地出产但没有被标记为有机食品的农产品好呢,还是采购从三千里之外的加州、通过燃烧汽油运过来的有机蔬菜和水果好?

    Is it better for the environment to buy locally grown produce that is not certified as organic or is it better to get organically grown fruits and vegetables that must be trucked in from California , three thousand mile away .