
  • 网络Ternary;ternary form
  1. 为什么三段体可以归类为回避策略?

    Why can TPS be classified as avoidance ?

  2. 它的织体浑厚坚实,和声以密集和弦为主,力度强大,结构为严谨的三段体结构。

    Its woven body vigorous solid , and harmony with dense chords primarily , strength strong , structure of the three sections for rigorous body structure .

  3. 作者推导和建立了注入三段幂律体压裂液时水平裂缝延伸的数学模型,并在Lowe等人支撑运移分布模型的基础上,研制了水平裂缝压裂设计软件。

    A mathematical model has been derived and set up for the horizontal fracture extending while the three sections of power law fracturing fluid are pumped and a software for horizontal fissure fracturing design has been developed on the basis of the supporting migrating distributing model by Lowe et al .

  4. 对东营凹陷牛庄洼陷沙三段砂岩透镜体油藏的成藏过程进行了分析,研究了岩性油气藏的成藏机理。

    The pools of sand lens in the third section of Shahejie Formation in Niuzhuang sub-depression were analyzed .

  5. 三软段聚氨酯弹性体的制备和力学性能研究

    Preparation and Property of Three - soft - segment PU Elastomer

  6. 结果表明,选择适当的软段组分和制备条件,通过半预聚体方式制备三软段聚氨酯弹性体是可行的。

    The results showed that PU elastomers with broad glass transition temperature and damping temperature could be prepared with three soft segments by semi-prepolymer method at appropriate conditions .

  7. 目的的关系是一推论(或三段式的统一体)。在这推论或统一体内,主观的目的通过一个中项与一外在于它的客观性相结合。

    The teleological relation is a syllogism in which the subjective end coalesces with the objectivity external to it , through a middle term which is the unity of both .

  8. 最后总结出本区沙四~沙三段砂、砾岩体油藏分布规律,并选择有利目标进行滚动勘探开发,取得了较好的效果。

    In due course , glutenite reservoir forming patterns in the subject area have been established and distribution regularities summarized , which are also beneficial for the progressive exploration and development of favorable targets .