
sān jiàn kè
  • three musketeers
  1. 就像“三剑客”,只是多了水果。

    Joey : Like the three musketeers , only with fruit .

  2. 在大仲马的书“三剑客”里

    ln Alexander Dumas 's book , The Three Musketeers ...

  3. 当竞争走向极端,我们彼此斗争,就产生了冲突。(compete,combat,conflict这“竞争/斗争/冲突”三剑客,都不是一个巴掌可以拍得响的)

    When competition goes to extreme , we combat each other , giving rise to conflicts .

  4. 我们是无敌三剑客啊,是一个整体啊

    We are Les Trois Gourmandes . One for all .

  5. 三剑客在路上

    Three Swordsmen on the Way

  6. 这个邪恶三剑客已经困扰我们几十年了。但这个答案并不充分。

    This trilogy of evil has been drilled into us for decades , yet that 's not an adequate answer .

  7. 我们呵呵大笑,拿来系上,虽然天色阴暗,细雨纷飞,我们这垂垂老朽的三剑客却开心得无以复加。

    We laughed and put them on , three aging musketeers in the highest spirits despite the gray and drizzling day .

  8. 天龙座三剑客虽然并不像其他紧密星系群那麽出名,不过它们在视觉上的强烈对比,让它们成为天文摄影爱好者常常拍摄的对象之一。

    Not as well known as other tight groupings of galaxies , the contrast in visual appearance makes this triplet an attractive subject for astrophotographers .

  9. 集中梳理论述了三剑客先锋戏剧实践的人文精神指向,对他们的先锋戏剧内涵进行了饶有角度的考察;

    By reviewing its practice from a unique point of view , the author focuses on the explanation of the humanism in the three swordsman 's avant-grade theatre .

  10. 新总裁引进了一些新人,有罗伯特·多纳多尼、保罗·马尔蒂尼和荷兰三剑客(范·巴斯腾、里杰卡尔德和古力特),新教练是50年代赫赫有名的中场球员尼尔斯·利德霍尔姆,利德霍尔姆的教练生涯不是很顺利,结果被萨基取代。

    The new coach was the great midfielder of the50 's , Nils Liedholm . Liedholm 's coaching career was not going so good and it was replaced by Ariggo Sacchi .

  11. 探究了三剑客先锋戏剧形式变革的原动力;讨论了观众在三剑客先锋戏剧实践中所处的位置,并以观演关系为基准与标向,进一步评判了三剑客的先锋能否继续发展。

    The author , exploring the motivation for its change and discussing the role of its spectators , judges on whether the three swordsman 's avant-grade theatre will continue to develop in future .

  12. 朱利安·巴恩斯是当今英语界最杰出、最引人注目、最具有挑战性的作家之一,他常常和马丁·艾米斯、伊恩·麦克尤恩一起被认为是当代英国文坛的三剑客。

    Julian Barnes , one of the most outstanding , interesting and challenging novelists now writing in the English language , is often considered as one of the three giants in contemporary British literary circle , the other two being Martin Amis and Ian McEwan .

  13. 他表示:短期房价可能不会下跌,但我预计明年开始大幅下跌,随后是许多年的停滞。鉴于曹建海作为官方经济学家的影响力,他被称为房地产市场的三剑客之一。

    Prices may not fall in the near term but I expect a collapse starting next year , followed by many years of stagnation , said Mr Cao , known as one of the three swordsmen of the real estate market because of his influence as an official economist .

  14. 如果我问你,什么构成“不良”饮食,你可能会回答那些导致肥胖和各种相关疾病的东西,“盐、脂肪和糖。”这个邪恶三剑客已经困扰我们几十年了。但这个答案并不充分。

    If I ask you what constitutes " bad " eating , the kind that leads to obesity and a variety of connected diseases , you 're likely to answer , " Salt , fat and sugar . " This trilogy of evil has been drilled into us for decades , yet that 's not an adequate answer .

  15. 我问你大仲马的书中第三名剑客叫什么

    You were asked who the third musketeer was ... in the novel by Alexander Dumas ..