
  • 网络Adepts in Self-Portraiture
  1. 文学是一种宿命&访当代文坛三作家

    Literature is a Destiny

  2. 三位作家都在或者快到60岁。

    All three authors are in or fast approaching their60s .

  3. 从三个作家群体看清词的繁荣

    The Prosperity of Qing Lyrics Reflected from Three Lyrics-writing Groups

  4. 如果举办一个文学晚宴,您会邀请哪三位作家?

    Youre hosting a literary dinner party . Which three writers are invited ?

  5. 一些鲜为人知的三流作家也是如此。

    But it is also true of lesser-known scribblers .

  6. 第二部分分别梳理了三位作家笔下的女性世界。

    The second part separately carded the female world depicted by the three authors .

  7. 如果你能主持一场文学晚餐会,会请哪三位作家出席呢?

    You 're hosting a literary dinner party . Which three writers are invited ?

  8. 如果能和三位作家共进晚餐,你会邀请谁呢?

    You 're hosting a literary dinner with three writers . Who 's invited ?

  9. 第一章介绍三位作家的生活与创作背景。

    In Chapter One , the three writers ' living and creating background are introduced .

  10. 会邀请哪三个作家?

    Which three writers are invited ?

  11. 我想见的三位作家是卡罗尔·马索,琳恩·蒂尔曼和佩吉·费伦。

    The three writers I wanted to meet were Carole Maso , Lynne Tillman and Peggy Phelan .

  12. 三位作家都具有多种文化背景,都在不同程度上体会到英国的种族歧视。

    The three writers all have experienced different cultures and have suffered to different extents racial discrimination in Britain .

  13. 这些弱点给人的生存带来一定困惑。三、作家于失落中上下求索。

    These weaknesses prevent people to overcome the perplexity . Third , Writer seeks continually in the sense of loss .

  14. 导言部分简要阐述了三位作家成长、创作的时代背景,以及各自的心理、文本特征;

    The introduction simply represents time circumstance of three writers ' growing and writing and everyone 's mentality and text characteristic .

  15. 第二部分:以三个作家为例,论述在延安文学体制的作用下,作家创作转向的三种类型。

    The second part : Take three writers as an example ; it discusses three kinds of the changes of the writer creations with the function of the Yan'an literature system .

  16. 以张炜、赵德发与李贯通的乡民小说为例,我们发现乡民社会在三位作家的文学梦想中代表着不同的精神旨归。

    We can take the " Native novels " of Zhang Wei , Zhao Defa and Li Guantong for examples and we find that " native society " has different mental belongings .

  17. 当然,在长篇小说中,这种使用新词的频率会下降,但即使是频率的下降模式也各不相同,为三位作家所特有。

    Of course , the frequency of new words used drops off in longer novels , but the patterns of the drop-off differed and were specific to each of the three authors .

  18. 三位作家的创作极大地丰富了俄侨的精神生活,是中国俄侨文学,乃至整个俄侨文学的重要组成部分。

    Their writings have enriched the spiritual life of the Russian-Chinese in China , and constitute an important part of the Russian-Chinese literature in China and even the overseas Russian literature in the world .

  19. 以第三新人作家为代表的战后文学里,家庭小说以前所未有的态势风靡社会,并与当时社会的经济发展、家长制的衰败、女权运动的高涨遥相呼应。

    In the postwar literature represented by the " third generation " writers , the family novels enjoyed unprecedented popularity accompanied with social and economic development , the decline of the patriarchalism and the upsurge of the feminist movement .

  20. 三位作家都希望以自己的文字重新构建起女性的新历史,但是由于个人认识局限、中国女性意识先天发展不足、社会政治革命等因素的影响,最终都归于失败。

    They wanted to construct new history of female , but due to personal understanding limitation , the development of Chinese female consciousness is congenital deficiency , the influence of such factors as social and political revolution , ultimately , failure .

  21. 不同身份的三位作家在处理同一题材时有共同的指向,也各有其言说的重点,他们在各自的文化政治群体里做了相当的调整。

    The three writers with different identities , while dealing with the same theme , share the same orientation , but also have their own focus to state , and make appropriate adjustments and challenges within the different group of culture and politics they belong to .

  22. 性别的文本和文本的性别&对三位女性作家作品的解读

    The Text of the Sex and Sex of the Text

  23. 第三章为作家民俗思想研究。

    Chapter 3 is writer ' Folklore idea study .

  24. 丁玲、萧红、张爱玲三位女作家命途坎坷,都与其所处的时代环境密切相关。

    Ding ling , Xiao hong and Eileen Chang were closely related with its era environment .

  25. 第三部分分析作家表现世俗化时所采用的叙事手法。主要从语言、新写实、传奇化几个方面来进行分析。

    Third , I analyzed the technique of narration which included language , new realistic , legend .

  26. 本文介绍了她们的创作基础,探讨了她们作品的主题以及三位女作家在澳大利亚文学史上地位。

    The paper introduces their writing background , discusses their writing themes and positions in Australian literary history .

  27. 第三部分论证作家歌就是本色当行的词。

    The third is to prove that " the author song " was " nature color ci " .

  28. 第三章探究作家为表达其南方情结而选择的呈现方式的异同。

    Chapter III mainly to explore the south complex and which they choose to express their presentation of similarities and differences .

  29. 第三,当代作家缺乏理论自觉意识、反思意识和问题意识。

    Thirdly , the contemporary writers in China have lacked a conscientiousness sense , reflection sense and question sense in terms of theory .

  30. 叛逆认同淡化&从三位女作家及其作品看华美文学20世纪70年代后的发展

    Rebellion , acceptance and weakening & Development of the Chinese American literature from the perspective of three Chinese American women writers and their masterpieces