
  • 网络The Three Sisters;three sister
  1. Charlene和她的三姐妹加一个兄弟在有两个房间、墙壁是胶合板的棚户屋里和他们的父亲一起生活,另一个姐妹住在亲戚家。

    Now the girl lived with three sisters , a brother and their father in a two-room shack with plywood walls . A fourth sister lived with a relative .

  2. 婚礼上,26岁的小KK被三姐妹环绕着,她们分别是Kimberly,Kariann和Kristine以及她们的父母。

    Kloss , 26 , was surrounded by her three sisters , Kimberly , Kariann and Kristine as well as their parents Tracy and Kurt .

  3. 周五晚上9点后,三姐妹AlyshaBrilla(26岁)、NadiaMohamed(24岁)和TameeraMohamed(22岁)一起在市内袒胸骑自行车兜风,却被一名巡逻警官拿着手电拦在路边。

    Sisters Alysha Brilla , 26 , Nadia Mohamed , 24 , and Tameera Mohamed , 22 , were cycling together topless in the city on Friday after 9 pm when an officer in a cruiser with flashing lights pulled them over .

  4. 结果就是,三姐妹拥有同样为28英寸(70.1厘米)的腰围、34A的胸围、5英尺11英寸(约1.8米)的身高和8.5英石(54公斤)的体重。

    As a result , the trio boast a waist size of 28 inches , a 34A bra size and weigh bang in on 8.5 st for their 5ft 11 inches frame .

  5. 圣诞老人给三姐妹带去了什么礼物?

    Nicholas gave the present of gold to the three sisters .

  6. 你只有在空中俯瞰才能瞧见三姐妹瀑布的真容。

    The Three Sisters Falls are only visible from the air .

  7. 遗产的钱由三姐妹均分。

    The inheritance money was shared equally among the three sisters .

  8. 然而,三姐妹为了布兰维尔的多年牺牲,付出了沉重的代价。

    But years of sacrifice for Banwell had taken their toll .

  9. 从小时候起,克里明斯家的三姐妹就形影不离。

    From an early age , the Crimmins triplets were inseparable .

  10. 他决定做些事情去帮助这三姐妹。

    He decided to do something to help them .

  11. 苏菲·哈特是三姐妹中最大的一个。

    Sophie Hatter was the eldest of three sisters .

  12. 在三姐妹中她的年龄最大。

    She is the eldest of the three sisters .

  13. 宋氏三姐妹是中国现代历史上很有影响力的人物。

    The three song sisters are three influential women in modern Chinese history .

  14. 只不过,命运三姐妹是连宙斯都无法反抗的存在。

    But the sisters of fate is an opponent even Zeus cannot defy .

  15. 班奈特家的三姐妹都尖叫起来,莉迪亚又蹦又跳。

    Now all three Bennet females shriek and Lydia actually jumps up and down .

  16. 科利尔圆堆,一个煤渣堆,在三姐妹山北峰的北侧山脚。

    Collier Cone , a cinder cone , at the north base of North Sister .

  17. 人们把诗歌、绘画、音乐并称为抒情艺术三姐妹。

    Poetry , music and painting are regarded as " three sisters in lyric arts " .

  18. 裘丽亚小姐是三姐妹里头最年轻的,照我看来,也是最漂亮的一位。

    Miss Julia is the youngest and the best of the three sisters , in my opinion .

  19. 不论你选择三姐妹中的哪一位结婚,你都将娶一位贤淑的妻子。

    Whichever of the three sisters you choose to marry , you will have a good wife .

  20. 复方三姐妹片治疗慢性乙型肝炎远期疗效观察

    Observation on Long-Term Follow Up Result of Treatment of Chronic Hepatitis B with Compound Rabdosia Ternifolia Tablets

  21. 独自在家的三姐妹受到了一只饥饿的狼的威胁,这只狼假扮成她们的外婆。

    Three sisters staying home alone are endangered by a hungry wolf who is disguised as their grandmother .

  22. 那次就医引发了一连串的事情,而就是这些意想不到的事情,把三姐妹拉得更亲、更近。

    That hospital visit triggered a chain of events that brought the three sisters closer together than ever .

  23. 三姐妹瀑布被苍翠繁茂的热带雨林层层环绕,而这些树木通常可高达100英尺。

    The Three Sisters Falls are surrounded by lush , tropical rainforest where trees routinely grow to 100 feet tall .

  24. 夏洛蒂。布朗蒂,艾米丽。布朗蒂,安妮。布朗蒂三姐妹出生于爱尔兰裔的大户人家。

    Charlotte Bronte , Emily Bronte , and their gifted sister Anne Bronte came from a large family of Irish origin .

  25. 在民间传说中,玉兰寓意“报恩”,这源自“玉兰”三姐妹拯救黎民、被变为玉兰树的民间传说。

    In folklore , mangnoliaflowers meaning " gratitude ", which come from three sisters saving the common people , made intomangnolia .

  26. 第二天一早,三姐妹醒来,发现她们的长袜里竟然有三袋金子,她们欣喜若狂。

    The three sisters were overjoyed to find three bags of gold in their stockings when they woke up the next morning .

  27. 坎丽芙的衣服全部是自己手工缝制的,她表示自己对勃朗特三姐妹的热情都是由于自己是历史学荣誉学士毕业生的缘故。

    Lyn-Marie , who sews all the costumes herself , said her passion for the Brontes might have stemmed from an honours degree in history .

  28. 他悄悄地踮起脚走到三姐妹住的小屋旁,爬上屋顶,把三袋金子顺着房顶炉火冒烟的洞口扔了下赴。

    He climbed onto the roof and dropped three bags of gold through the hole in the roof where the smoke from the fire came out .

  29. 译文:科利尔圆堆,一个煤渣堆,在三姐妹山北峰的北侧山脚。照片由俄勒冈州地矿局提供。

    Collier Cone , a cinder cone , at the north base of North Sister . Photo courtesy of the Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries .

  30. 除了观察人之外,你在创作《猫眼三姐妹》和《城市猎人》时有其他灵感的来源或者进行了其他的研究么?

    In addition to observing people , there another source of inspiration or another research which you make for your work , City Hunter or Cat 'S Eye ?