
  • 网络ternary form
  1. 第二乐章采用奏鸣曲式写成,展开部中还包含有一个复三部曲式的插部,热情的快板(Allegroappassionato),d小调,3/4拍子,典型的谐谑曲,具有火一般的热情。

    The second movement , written in sonata form used to start the Department also includes the trilogy there is a complex type of interpolation Department , enthusiastic Allegro ( Allegro appassionato ), d minor , 3 / 4 beat , a typical Scherzo , with fire in general enthusiasm .

  2. 在这一过程中他不断地对传统曲式进行了大胆的革新和突破:简单的二部曲式和三部曲式(这是他以往钢琴作品常用的曲式)不能充分表达音乐的戏剧性冲突;

    Simple two parts pattern and trilogy can not express totally the histrionic collision of the music ;