
  1. 无词歌(songswithoutwords)是按照歌曲体裁和形式特点写作的小型器乐曲,常有一个歌唱性的旋律,配以抒情歌曲常用的伴奏音型。

    A song without words is a kind of minor instrumental music composed with characteristic of the type and form of songs . It has a singing melody with an accompaniment figure , which is always used in lyric songs .

  2. 音乐是躯体,歌词是灵魂,正是由于摇滚歌词蕴含的丰厚的文化价值和意义,才使摇滚乐成为一种富有魅力的歌曲艺术体裁。

    If music is the body , lyric is just the soul . As the rich cultural value and significance of the rock lyrics , it makes the rock music a fascinating art .

  3. 本文通过对各类歌曲的体裁及其特点的分析,提示其钢琴伴奏的设计及表现意义,并探究钢琴伴奏的艺术整体性。

    Based on the analysis of the types and features of songs , the writer makes a brief study on the design of the piano accompaniment , the demonstrative meaning , and the artistic integrity .

  4. 本文以歌曲题材、体裁和演唱形式等为探讨范围,考察这些歌曲的音乐特征,并认真总结历史经验教训,进一步研究和探索其艺术价值和历史价值。

    By summarizing the historical experience of and lessons from their creation , it further explores their artistic and historical values .

  5. 甚至,歌曲作为音乐体裁之一,在电影中起到其它手段无法达到的作用。

    Even as one of the music genres , the songs in the film played the role can not be achieved by other means .

  6. 艺术歌曲这一体裁以其创作的专业性、形式的伴奏与声乐的并重性、内容的文学性、风格的幽雅性而成为一种具有鲜明个性、深刻寓意和高雅格调的音乐艺术形式。

    Art songs , with its professional composition , duality of form accompaniment and the vocal music , literary contents and graceful style , has developed into a kind of music style with distinctive features , profound connotation and gracious elegance .

  7. 经过近一个世纪的探索和创新艺术歌曲这一音乐体裁,在中国这片土地上结出了丰硕的艺术硕果。

    By a century of exploration and innovation , the art songs had made great achievements .

  8. 拉赫玛尼诺夫作为晚期浪漫主义音乐的代表人物,其音乐创作十分丰富,涉及歌剧、交响乐、合唱、室内乐、歌曲等众多的体裁,其中,钢琴作品占有重要的地位。

    As the representative personage of later romantic music , his music creation is extremely rich and involves the opera , the symphony , the chorus , the chamber music , the song and so on , among which the piano work holds the important status .