
  1. 上万人通常在冰天雪地里行进数里路,唱着歌、奏着乐。

    Thousands march for miles , often in snow and ice , singing and playing music .

  2. 唱着歌,奏着吉他;萨塔赖罗7舞曲响起来,欢乐的舞蹈开始了。

    Songs were sung and ditties were played on the guitar ; presently the Salterello sounded , and the merry dance began .

  3. 空气好像是在唱着歌和奏着乐,阳光好像钻进了它的叶子和梗子。

    It seemed as if the air were singing and sounding , as if rays of light were piercing through the leaves and the stalks of the Flower .

  4. 而管子是河北吹歌的主奏乐器之一。

    While the pipe is hebei blow one song presided instruments .

  5. 珍珠之歌在基诺心里奏出胜利的旋律。

    The music of the pearl was shrilling with triumph in Kino .