
  • 网络Singing Art;The Art of Singing
  1. 可以用歌唱艺术作类比。

    A close analogy with the art of singing can be made .

  2. 自然与积极&源自歌唱艺术的思考

    Spontaneous and Positive Singing & Study on the Art of Singing

  3. 意大利是声乐的故乡,意大利语音有自己的特点,对于美声歌唱艺术,语言中的语音是最重要的部分

    For the art of euphonic singing , the speech in the language is the most important part .

  4. 宝音德力格尔歌唱艺术四人谈

    Four People ′ s talk on Boyindelger ′ s Singing Art

  5. 浅谈美在歌唱艺术中的表现

    A Brief View on Representation of the Beauty in Singing Art

  6. 歌唱艺术二度创作中几个关系的处理

    How to Handle the Relations of the Recreation in Singing Art

  7. 声乐教学中歌唱艺术表现力的培养初探

    Tentative study of the artistic expressive power in vocal music teaching

  8. 目的探讨我国歌唱艺术嗓音声学参数特点。

    Objective To explore the characteristics of artistic voice among Chinese singers .

  9. 我国的民族声乐是具有丰富音乐性的歌唱艺术。

    Chinese folk vocal was an art full of abundant musical singing .

  10. 歌唱艺术的传情达意与文化思维辨析

    On the Discrimination of Expressing Feelings and Culture Thinking of Singing Art

  11. 论歌唱艺术中民族风格的再创造

    On the Re-Creation of the National Style in the Art of Singing

  12. 在歌唱艺术审美活动中,存在着一种独特的歌唱听觉艺术现象。

    Acoustic imagery is a unique phenomenon in the aesthetics of singing .

  13. 才旦卓玛的歌唱艺术及其贡献

    The Singing Art and Contribution of Cai Dan Zhuo Ma

  14. 歌唱艺术表演在声乐艺术中的重要性歌诗表演与汉、魏相和歌辞艺术新探

    Importance of the Art of Singing Performance in Vocal Music

  15. 只有做好这几方面才可以真正的称得上是歌唱艺术。

    Only do these areas can really be called the art of singing .

  16. 宝音德力格尔歌唱艺术发声方法初探

    An Approach on Boyindelger ′ s Singing Art Phonation

  17. 歌唱艺术中的情感与意识的审美思考

    Aesthetic Reflections of Emotion and Awareness in Singing Art

  18. 在歌唱艺术中,歌唱呼吸是一个永恒的话题。

    In the art of singing , the breath is a permanent topic .

  19. 舞台歌唱艺术实践之管见

    Opinions of the singing activities on the stage

  20. 字正腔圆:语言在歌唱艺术中的基本规则

    Correct Pronunciation and Pleasing Tune : Some Basic Language Application rules in Singing Art

  21. 中西方歌唱艺术异同探析

    Comparison of the Chinese and Western Singing Arts

  22. 歌唱艺术中的情感表达

    On Expression of Emotion in the Sing Art

  23. 中国民族歌唱艺术探寻

    A probe into the art of folk songs

  24. 浅谈方言对歌唱艺术的影响

    On the Influence of Local Dialects on Singing

  25. 刍议声乐艺术与歌唱艺术的异同

    Similarities and Differences between Vocality and Singing

  26. 歌唱艺术中应加强表演意识

    On Enhancing Performing Consciousness in Singing Art

  27. 音乐评论家把他的演唱称为西洋唱法民族化的歌唱艺术。

    Music critics put his song is called " western falsetto nationalization singing art " .

  28. 简论歌唱艺术的风格

    On Style of the Art of Singing

  29. 歌唱艺术的欣赏过程是听、视、觉的过程。

    Appreciating the art of singing is a process of listening , seeing and feeling .

  30. 当代歌唱艺术大众化试析

    On the Popularization of Contemporary Singing Art