
ɡē tīnɡ
  • KTV;karaoke hall;place where professional performers sing popular songs
  1. HaroldSanditen和他的同学有机会与高级音乐指导和歌厅艺术家一起度过9天的时间。

    Harold Sanditen and his classmates had the chance to spend nine days working with top music directors and cabaret artists .

  2. 该商业楼非常适合做酒店、洗浴中心、KTV歌厅等项目。

    This business building is good to be restaurant , bathing center and KTV , etc.

  3. cabaret这个词让人想起夜总会歌手的形象,也可能让人想起几年前影片《歌厅》中LizaMinnelli表演的情景。

    The word cabaret images of singers in nightclubs , or maybe Liza Minnelli performing years ago in the movie " Cabaret . "

  4. 北京夜生活&歌厅(英文)

    NIGHT LIFE IN BEIJING Places to Karaoke ( KTV )

  5. 他表示,对于歌手来说,在歌厅演唱是非常深刻的情绪体验。

    He says cabaret is a deeply emotional experience for a singer .

  6. 歌厅酒店等音响噪声的传播特点及防治

    Spreading Characters and Prevention and Cure of Noise From Cabaret 's Sounder

  7. 但是她改变了注意,开始对歌厅演唱感兴趣。

    But she changed her mind and became interested in cabaret singing .

  8. 因1972年出演《歌厅》,明奈利摘得奥斯卡影后桂冠。

    Minelli won a Best Actress for " Cabaret " ( 1972 ) ;

  9. 你在那家歌厅门口见过他的。

    You met him in front of that karaoke .

  10. 那你为什么还老去歌厅呢?

    Why do you hang out in bars ?

  11. 中国制定卡拉OK歌厅版权使用费标准

    China sets royalty payment standard for karaoke bars

  12. 可以将它视作康涅狄格纽黑文的一个歌厅歌手训练营。

    Think of it as a cabaret training camp in New Haven , Connecticut .

  13. 每次去练歌厅我都唱那首歌。

    Always sang the song at the karaoke .

  14. “歌厅”的选角会在礼拜五放学后举行。

    Auditions for " cabaret " will be held this Friday immediately after school .

  15. 但是过去八个夏天,有望成为歌手的人们纷纷前往耶鲁大学国际歌厅歌手会议。

    But for the past eight summers , singers have come to the International Cabaret Conference at Yale University .

  16. 但是在过去的八个夏天,有希望成为歌手的人们纷纷前往耶鲁大学的国际歌厅参加会议。

    But for the past eight summers , hopeful singers have come to the International Cabaret Conference at Yale University .

  17. 在被问及学生去卡拉OK歌厅消遣一事时,他对记者说:“我们将关注事态进展。”

    Asked about the students'karaoke bar visits , he told the reporters : " We 'll observe the development ahead . "

  18. 我们经常可以看到这样的景象,马路一侧歌厅舞厅西乐高奏,年轻人轻歌曼舞;

    We can often see this picture , the road side of the West dance hall music play high , the young nightclub ;

  19. 长沙歌厅产业是湖南具有地方特色的演出类文化产业,在我国有比较大的名气。

    The Performing arts industry in Changsha is local characteristics of the performance culture industry in our country , has a relatively large fame .

  20. 因此,长沙歌厅演艺产业若要更持久地繁荣发展,应该向百老汇学习一些成功经验。

    Therefore , the Performing arts industry in Changsha entertainment industry to more sustainable prosperity and development , should learn some successful experience to Broadway .

  21. 本歌厅拥有音色纯真的卡拉OK音响,让您过上一回歌星瘾。

    Our singing hall is equipped with karaoke acoustics that have a pure timBre , where you may satisfy the craving to Be a professional singing star .

  22. 据娱乐场所业主称,最近成百上千名日本学生和他们的朋友涌入卡拉OK歌厅打发时光。为控制疫情,他们所在的学校已于本周停课。

    Hundreds of Japanese students whose schools have been closed this week to contain a swine flu outbreak have instead flocked to karaoke parlours with their friends , club operators said .