- 网络Jeff Zucker;zuker;Jerry Zucker;Zuko;Juke

Jeff Zucker was in Beijing 's Water Cube aquatics centre to watch Michael Phelps win his eighth gold medal .
Jeff Zucker warned a gathering of television executives in Las Vegas five years ago that the media industry was living through its version of a forest fire .
That was a few years ago , when Zucker was CEO of NBC Universal .
The three bubbles : The Asian Bubble in the early ' 90s , Dot-com Bubble of the late ' 90s and what Juckes calls the Great Big Credit Bubble that triggered the 2008 Wall Street meltdown .
Jeff Zucker , chief executive of NBC Universal , is planning to seize on the writers ' strike to eliminate what he sees as extravagances in the way Hollywood makes and promotes television .
NBCU had seen a healthy return on its $ 894m investment in exclusive rights to the Games , said Mr Zucker , although he added that estimates that it could make as much as $ 100m profit were too high .
All three of the big worldwide financial bubbles that have blow up in the last three decades have ' been fueled by the Fed keeping policy rates below the nominal growth rate of the economy far too long , ' says global strategist Kit Juckes of the French bank Societe Generale .
Mr Zucker is wary about claiming that this will guarantee success .
" Do you think she may ?" jukes screamed .
" What 's up ?" Jukes , the engineer , asked .
The enthusiasm for digital platforms was the biggest lesson we learned , Mr Zucker says .
There is no question that Michael Phelps helped , Mr Zucker acknowledges , but years of preparation played as big a part .
Mr Zucker 's $ 1bn bet that China could pull off a successful Olympics has given him more than just privileged access , however .
Juckes warns that we 're now trapped in the fourth megabubble fueled by the Federal Reserve in the last 30 years , since the rise of conservative economics .
He testified in 2009 against one of the camp guards , Jan Demjanjuk , and also became one of the few survivors to privately interview someone behind the atrocities .
The Ukraine government has ordered to set up a truth-finding committee to investigate the cause of the accident . The investigation committee will be led by National Security Secretary Marchuk .
If the Olympics are to provide more than a one-off profit , a morale boost and a two-week respite from a weakening US television advertising market , however , Mr Zucker knows that he will need to keep that audience .