
  1. 而左权民歌作为山西民歌的代表性歌种,更有着独特的魅力特征。

    Zuoquan folk songs , representative of Shanxi folk songs , have more unique and charming features .

  2. 花儿是流行于中国西北陇中高原的山歌歌种,因其集传唱流域广,传唱范围跨省越区,传唱民族众多等特点于一身。

    Hua ' er , a kind of a folk song , prevails on plateau in the Middle Gansu Province of Northwestern China .

  3. 漫瀚调是内蒙古民族民间音乐歌种之一,是见证蒙、汉两个民族百年融合历史的独特艺术种类。

    Man-han music in Inner Mongolia folk is a kind of native music , the Witnesses of the unique integration between Mongolian and Han nationalities during two hundred years .

  4. 从蒙汉调的歌种类型、演唱形式、旋律特征、曲式结构及伴奏五个方面诠释了蒙汉调的音乐特点;

    This section talks about the musical characteristics of Inner Mongolia-Han melody from five perspectives such as the song category , singing pattern , melody characteristics , melody structure and accompaniment .

  5. 那首歌有种哀婉动人的美。

    The song is achingly beautiful .

  6. 这个歌手所唱的歌具有种伤感的特点。

    The singer invested her song with sadness .

  7. 舒伯特受到维也纳歌曲、柏林歌曲乐派与宗斯泰格叙事歌三种风格的影响,他的歌曲在数量上只比于前辈赖夏德少,在质量上则超越所有的前辈与同辈。

    Greatly influenced by three styles , which include Vienna song , Berlin song school , and J.R.Zumsteeg 's Ballade ; even though quantity of his works is less than that of J.F.

  8. 这首歌以一种轻松写意的态度表现出甜美诚挚的情感。

    The song is sweet and sincere in a very effortless manner .

  9. 她的歌有一种悠闲自得的味道,将轻松愉快的舞蹈韵律和动感的画面结合在了一起。

    Her songs have a laid-back flavor , combining light-hearted dance rhythms with vivid images .

  10. 歌:一种具有典型的音乐特征的抒情诗体,通常为谱曲而作。

    A short lyric poem with distinct musical qualities , normally written to be set to music .

  11. 如果面世的话,它将很容易走红,但这首歌是一种明显的自我崇拜,他们很不满意,所以决定不予发布。

    It would have been an easy hit , but the song was such an obvious unsatisfying self-homage , they decided not to release it .

  12. 所以,六诗本是歌乐的六种表述方式。

    So , originally , there were six forms of performances .

  13. 席勒曾认为:歌队是一种有生命的垣墙。

    Schiller had thought : the chorus is a living Yuanqiang .

  14. 他表示每首歌都是一种挑战。

    He says each song is a challenge .

  15. 按歌唱的时间,可分为日歌和夜歌两种;

    It can be divided into two parts of day songs and night songs according to the time singing .

  16. 你也许不知道最先创作的是哪首歌,但有种算法就能做到,该算法是美国密歇根劳伦斯理工大学的研究人员发明的。

    You may not know which came first , but researchers from Lawrence Technological University in Michigan created an algorithm that does .

  17. 是的,这首歌表达了一种精神,一种心境,一种不怕吃苦、不怕累的勇气。

    Yes , the song delivers a kind of spirit , a state of mind , a kind of courage unafraid of work or getting work .

  18. 在他们看来侗歌不仅是一种交流的手段、也是一种教育手段,同时具有文化传承的功能。

    In their opinion , the Dong song is not only a means of communication , but also a means of education . Meanwhile , it also has the function of cultural heritage .

  19. 他认为歌队是一种有生命的垣墙,它抵抗现实的进攻;因为它,萨提儿歌队,描绘出生存,比文明人描绘将更真实,更重要,更充分,尽管后者通常自命为唯一的实在。

    the chorus is a living wall against the onset of reality because it depicts reality more truthfully and more completely than does civilized man , who ordinarily considers himself the only reality .

  20. 古希腊悲剧的歌队是一种耐人寻味的戏剧形式因素,它将悲剧的情感以一种纯粹的形式独立出来,形成情感外化机制;

    Chorus in ancient Greek tragedies is a thought-provoking dramatic form factor , which makes the ( emotions ) in tragedies independent as a pure format so as to transform into an emotion externalization mechanism .

  21. 鄂西南土家族灯歌是我国少数民族民间歌曲中特色浓郁的歌种。

    The light song of the TuJia nationality in southwestern Hubei Province is one of most characteristic minority folk songs categories in China .

  22. 文章将兴国山歌划分为散歌、长歌、情歌、民俗歌、杂歌等五种形式,并相应进行阐述,使人们对兴国山歌有一个理性的认识。

    This paper divides Xingguo Fokl Songs into five forms as prose song , long song , emotion song , custom song and other song , which will make people know more about Xingguo Folk song .

  23. 最喜欢王容的一首歌《爸爸妈妈》,有时在路旁的音像店听到这首歌就会有一种想哭的感觉。

    Wang Rongqing a favorite song ," parents ", and sometimes the audio and video shops in the street to hear this song will have a sense of want to cry .

  24. 畲族民歌的内容非常丰富,可分为成儿歌、历史传说歌、情歌、婚俗歌、劳动歌、小说故事歌、时政歌、杂歌、丧俗歌等九种。

    The She folk songs content is extremely rich , can be divided into nursery rhyme , legend songs , love songs , marriage customs songs , labor songs , story songs , politics songs , miscellaneous songs and funeral songs .