
tào mǎ
  • lasso a horse
套马 [tào mǎ]
  • (1) [lasso a horse]∶用套马杆或绳索套住马匹

  • (2) [harness a horse]∶给马套上轭具

  1. 这匹烈马挣断了我的套马杆狂奔起来。

    The horse broke away from my horse pole and ran wild .

  2. 于是这套马便俯首投降,回头执行起任务来。

    And the team had capitulated and returned to their duty .

  3. 后来我把它驯练成一个刮刮叫的套马手。

    Turned out to be one of the best roping horses I ever had .

  4. 手持套马杆,纵身跃上马背,孟克觉得自己充满力量。

    Host poling in hands , Mengke threw himself on the horse , feeling full of strength .

  5. 给,“他从口袋里掏出一张钞票给他,”去告诉波克,套马车带你去街上去玩。

    Here ," he pulled a bill from his pocket , " tell Pork to harness the carriage and take you downtown .

  6. 于是这套马便俯首投降,回头执行起任务来。对不起,您访问的网页不存在,请返回我公司首页。

    And the team had capitulated and returned to their duty . Sorry , the web you visited is not available now , Please click here to our frontpage .

  7. 从12世纪开始,三圃制在英国的推广普及使得燕麦有了稳定的产量,加上套马技术的进步,从而为马在经济尤其是交通运输中发挥作用解决了饲料问题和技术问题。

    From 12 ~ ( th ) century the popularity of three-course cropping guaranteed the steady output of oat and resolved the fodder of horse which played important role in transport .