
  1. 这套题是设计来了解被测试者内心真正渴求而不是嘴上说出来的东西。

    These questions have been designed to get at what subjects really want instead of what they say they do .

  2. 你是否有黑客版套题,比教学大纲上的版本更详细?

    Do you have available to you what we call the hacker editions in more details on those in the courses syllabus ?

  3. 但是如果你倾向哪套题,那么你可以按周改变想法。

    But if you are so inclined whether for this problem set or any other throughout the term , you can change your mind week to week .

  4. 它具有用户登录验证、用户在线心理测试、自动生成套题、用户管理、试卷管理、健康管理等功能。

    It has a user login authentication , users online psychological tests , automatically generate complete sets of questions , user management , paper management , health management .

  5. 主要研究的是系部管理、科目管理、套题管理、试题管理、在线考试、成绩管理、信息管理等内容。

    Mainly study on department management , subject management , problem management , test questions management , online examination and grade management , information management , and so on .

  6. 如果你知道如何去发现,这些0和1的排列规则,这也是套题中的问题,你就能恢复把这些大量数据恢复?

    And so if you know what patterns of zeroes and ones to look for as you will yourselves this year in that forensics problem set , can you recover a lot of that data ?

  7. 我问他怎么不紧张,他告诉我说:“这学期应该是考第四套题,会考历史时间、法老的名字、历届朝代、发生的战事等等。”

    When I asked why he wasn 't nervous , he answered ," This is the semester for Examination Set # 4 , the one dealing with dates , names of pharaohs , dynasties , battles , and so forth . "

  8. 通过预测和初步的项目分析、筛选形成A、B两套平行题本,每个题本都包含三个年级的题目。

    Through the former testing and analyzing the items , MATs-A and MATs-B which believed equal were formed .

  9. 为(考试、测试等)出一套新题。

    Devise a new set of questions for ( an exam , a test , etc )

  10. 他说该网站共有150多套测试题,内容包含智力情况、情感成熟、儿童发展以及两性关系。

    He says the site houses more than 150 tests centering on intelligence , emotional maturity , child development , and relationships .

  11. 实验一通过一套128题的问卷,测量了被试在不同时间压力下,事件的情感效价、不同的主体参照、事件不同的描述方式等因素对主观概率判断值的影响。

    Experiment 1 studied the value of subjective probability judgment with the different event-valence , object-reference , description of event and different time-pressure .

  12. 半个月后,在事先不通知两组受试的情况下,用同一套测试题测试受试的长时习得情况。

    Half a month later , without notifying the subjects in both groups in advance , they were asked to do the same test as above .

  13. 为确保参与者不会跳过故事内容,在测试结束后参与者还要完成一套阅读理解题。

    To make sure people did not just skim the stories , the participants were given a reading comprehension tests afterward .

  14. 这名考生用的是我们的教材,做了我们的全套模测题,最后取得了让人羡慕的好成绩。

    After using our textbooks and taking our complete simulated test , the above mentioned student achieved good score in the real test .

  15. 该套系统是一套集考试题库管理、考试成绩管理和考试信息管理三位一体的综合性考试管理系统。

    It is a set of synthesizing system of examination management including the management of the exercise database and the management of examination score and the management of examination information .