
  1. 因为乐队的一个成员没来试音,这位歌手大发雷霆。

    The singer went ballistic after one member of his band failed to show for a sound check .

  2. 你试音什么角色

    Which part are you auditioning for ?

  3. 那年元旦,披头士乐队(当时的鼓手是彼德·贝斯特PeteBest,乐队自称为SliverBeatles)在迪卡唱片试音,当时制作人是TonyMeehan。

    On New Year 's Day that year , The Beatles - though at that time Pete Best was their drummer and they called themselves the Silver Beatles -- auditioned for Decca Records producer Tony Meehan .

  4. 你之前的试音给我们印象最深的。

    I feel that you isongressed us in the earlier auditions .

  5. 罗南提前下班赶去试音。

    Ronan left work early to audition ( 4 ) .

  6. 试音结果会在数日内通知申请者。

    Audition result will be related to you within a few days .

  7. 她会安排你在下个月试音。

    She 'll setyou up an appointment next month .

  8. 试音结果会在翌日以电邮通知。

    You will be notified of the result by email in the following day .

  9. 噢,我得到了试音的机会。

    Oh , I 've got to audition ?

  10. 但你不准去试音。

    You are not going to the audition .

  11. 于是我们召人试音。

    So , we hold these auditions .

  12. 为一个电影角色试音。

    To audition for a film role .

  13. 会打电话通知你去试音。

    Will invite you to an audition .

  14. 罗萨马哈补充说:之前有个试音,包括拉扎罕在内的我们五个人被选中了;

    There was an audition . Five of us ( including Mr. Razahan ) were chosen .

  15. 我去试音,可并不指望会给我个角色演出。

    I 'm going to the audition but I don 't expect I 'll get a part .

  16. 每次试音名额三名,名额会以首先回应者优先获得方法分配。

    Seats are limited to3 in each session , and are allocated on first reply first serve .

  17. 在试音当日,申请者首先是测试音域。

    On the audition day , you are required first to demonstrate your vocal range and ability .

  18. 他们都通过了综合测试、实战教学检测和独奏试音。

    They passed a comprehensive exam , were examined on their practical teaching , and passed a solo audition .

  19. 我们用拉威尔的充满动态和复杂性的波莱罗舞曲来试音。马上感觉到它的音量钮是过于敏感了。

    We gave the V-CAN Ravel 's dynamic and complex Bolero and immediately noticed that the volume control is incredibly sensitive .

  20. 海选试音时,刘著从着装、举止到言谈都酷似女生,以至于评委都对他的性别几度表示质疑。

    Auditioning for the show , Liu dressed , acted and spoke so femininely that the judges questioned his gender several times .

  21. 《超时空记忆》的录制工作在2008年正式开始。本高特和德霍曼-克里斯托把他们的装备搬到一个大型录音室,开始试音。

    Random began in earnest in 2008 , when Bangalter and de Homem-Christo moved their gear into a giant studio and began playing around .

  22. 经过几次试音和试镜后,夏恩和伊莉莎即将参加一个名为“勇气十足”的实境电视节目。

    After several auditions and screenings , Shane and Eliza were going to be on a reality TV show . The show was called Double Dare .

  23. 结果:所有剂量组均有很好的耐受性,仅有1例受试音出现了轻微烧灼感,1例出现轻微瘙痒。无系统不良反应。

    Results : Imiquimod cream was well tolerated in all groups and only 1 case of slight fever and 1 case of mild itching were observed .

  24. 他尽可能地出演每晚的演出,不知疲倦地试音、录小样、开会,忙得不成人样只是为了能成功。

    He went out to perform every freaking night he could , auditioned tirelessly , made demos , had meetings , and worked his ass off to succeed .

  25. 本团欢迎任何有兴趣加入成为合唱团成员的朋友,在决定是否参加试音前,莅临参观本团每周排练。

    You are always welcome to sit in our rehearsals to get a taste of what it is like before deciding whether to audition to become a singing member .

  26. 铃木在自传中曾宣称自己在1921年成为克林格尔教授唯一的私人学生,而这显然比铃木实际参加该校试音的时间早了两年。

    In Suzuki 's biographies it is claimed that he was Klinger 's ' only private pupil ' from 1921 , two years before he auditioned for the school .

  27. 而最近浮出水面的事实是:这位日本音乐家实际上在颇具盛名的柏林音乐学院的试音阶段就被淘汰了,而且他也只见过爱因斯坦一面,还是在卖小提琴给爱因斯坦的时候见的。

    It has now emerged that the Japanese musician was rejected from the prestigious Berlin music school at auditions , and only met Einstein once to sell him a violin .

  28. 马克在自己的博客上贴出了德国音乐学院所有试音的列表,其中包含铃木镇一参加的那次,列表证明了铃木没有通过试音也绝没有当过克林格尔教授的学生。

    Mr O'Connor has posted the list of auditions from the German music school on his blog , which includes Suzuki 's and proves that he failed to get in and was never taught by Klinger .

  29. 服务范围包括:构思、试音、作曲、填词、编曲、监制、写谱、录音、调音、混音、母带、设计、版权、印刷、在市面上发售等等。

    Scope of services : concept , audition , melody , lyrics , music arrangement , producing , notation , recording , tuning , mixing , mastering , design , publishing , printing , distribution , etc.

  30. 本实验结果表明,被试识别音同、义同、形近三类成语材料有不同的效果。

    The experiment shows that the results of cognition vary with the 3 different kinds of Chinese idiomatic phrases & homonyns , synonyms and phrases similar in form .