
  • 网络structure
  1. 小奏鸣曲(Sonatine)是相对奏鸣曲而言的,指曲式结构规模较小,音乐形象较为简洁,音乐内容较为浅显的奏鸣曲,一般有2~3个乐章。

    Sonatina in terms of relatively sonata , musical structure refers to the smaller , more compact music images , music content , the more facile sonatas , generally 2 to 3 movement .

  2. 第二部分对该作品的创作背景和曲式结构进行分析研究。

    Secondly , it analyses the background and structure of musical forms .

  3. 肖邦《f小调幻想曲》结构形式之分析&初涉混合曲式结构基础的生成原理

    Structural Analysis of Chopin 's " Fantasia in F Minor "

  4. 第四谐谑曲为混合曲式结构,E大调,3/4拍子。

    The No.4 Scherzo adopts a mixed form , E major , 3 / 4 time .

  5. 从肖邦《c小调圆舞曲》的结构特性谈作品曲式结构的多释性

    On the Multi-interpretation of the Structure Characteristics of Chopin ′ s Music Works Taking " the Waltz No.7 , In C Sharp Minor Op. " as Example

  6. 第四章从曲式结构的角度对作品进行剖析。

    The fourth chapter analyzes the musical form of the work .

  7. 第一节作品的曲式结构形态。

    Section I : Works of musical structure and mode layout form .

  8. 第一章:对《海燕》中引子、快板、慢板、快板再现以及尾声分别进行了详细的曲式结构分析。

    The first chapter are the " Swallow " in musical form analysis .

  9. 钢琴组曲《南国印象》曲式结构试析

    Tries analyzes the suite Southern part of China Impression musical form structure content

  10. 第五章曲式结构研究。

    Part Five , Study on the form structure .

  11. 第二部分以《孟姜女》、《兰花花》两部作品的音乐风格,曲式结构对比分析作品。

    The second part comparative analyzes the works through the musical styles and structure .

  12. 《尤利西斯》与音乐曲式结构

    The Musical Forms and Structure in Ulysses

  13. 论肖邦音乐的混合曲式结构

    Chopin 's Music with Mixed Forms

  14. 肖邦在夜曲中创造了完美的音乐语言、曲式结构、和声及调性手法。

    Chopin created consummate musician language , form structure , harmony and tonal technique in his nocturnes .

  15. 中国式摔跤的特点《诗经》的曲式结构分析

    On the Characteristics of Chinese Wrestling An Analysis of Musical Composition Pattern on The Book of Songs

  16. 《诗经》的曲式结构分析比例插装式液压张紧装置

    An Analysis of Musical Composition Pattern on The Book of Songs Proportional Hydraulic Stretching Device Equipped Cartridge Valves

  17. 这些田野歌曲的节奏后来逐渐转变为现在布鲁斯的曲式结构。

    The cadence of those field songs later came to shape the musical structure of today 's blues .

  18. 第二谐谑曲用比较自由的奏鸣曲式结构写成,降b小调,3/4拍子。

    The No.2 Scherzo uses a free form of Sonata , b flat minor , 3 / 4 time .

  19. 第二章划分了作品的曲式结构,为以后的分析提供先决条件。

    The second chapter divides the musical structure of this work , and provides the preconditions for the subsequent analysis .

  20. 对曲式结构分析的同时,还对各结构中的主要音乐特点和创作手法进行阐述。

    Musical structure analysis at the same time , also described structure , the main characteristic of music and creative practices .

  21. 悲观绝望后的信念&贝多芬《第五交响曲》第一乐章的曲式结构和艺术特色分析

    The Faith after Pessimism and Despair & An Analysis of Music Framework and Artistic Feature of the First Movement of the Fifth Symphony

  22. 第一章,从创作背景及曲式结构特点这两方面逐个介绍和分析。

    The first chapter , from the creation of the background and musical structure analysis of these two aspects are introduced and analyzed individually .

  23. 中篇,也由四个章节组成,分别从曲式结构、音高组织、复调技法和管弦乐法四个方面对管弦乐创作技法的特点进行了深入分析。

    Respectively , it analyzed deeply the characteristics of orchestral techniques from formal structure , pitch organization , polyphony technique and orchestration so on .

  24. 第二部分《蒙古族风格少年钢琴组曲集》第五组曲与第六组曲的部分作品分析。以尽可能的对作品的曲式结构、演奏技巧等进行全面的诠释和客观的分析。

    Part II analyzes " Mongolian Youth Piano Cento " V & VI and interprets the performing style and techniques in an all around way .

  25. 从《尼娜》的创作背景、艺术风格、美学特征着手,首先分析了歌曲的曲式结构、演唱风格特点、演唱技法的运用等歌曲演唱的内在要求。

    First it analyzes the form structure , artistic style , singing techniques of " Nina " from its background , artistic style and aesthetic feature .

  26. 第二章对作品从微观上进行分析,主要从旋律与音级集合、节奏节拍、以及主题与曲式结构等方面。

    The second chapter mainly analyzes the melody and pitch class set , rhythm and tempo , theme and musical structure in micro aspects of work .

  27. 这首咏叹调运用了典型的后期浪漫派作曲技术,其旋律挥洒自如、和声遵循传统,曲式结构短小精致。

    Composed with the typical late Romantic technology , this aria had a drawing freely melody , a traditional harmonic design and a exquisite musical form .

  28. 黄虎威的作品包含了声乐、器乐等多个种类,他的艺术歌曲无论在创作手法、和声布局、曲式结构等各个方面,都进行了不同程度的探索与创新。

    For composing art songs , he has had explored and innovated from the aspects of composing technique , harmonic layout and melody structure at varying degrees .

  29. 斯克里亚宾早期奏鸣曲作品的曲式结构反映出古典与浪漫主义时期美学观念与创作手法的影响,具有较典型的奏鸣套曲形式特征。

    Scriabin 's early sonatas reflect the influence of aesthetics idea and composing skill of classical and romantic age , have the characteristics of typical sonata song form .

  30. 钢琴改编曲主要从对原曲的挖掘、分析入手,通过对照比较,研究改编曲的曲式结构、调式、和声和织体处理等编创手法。

    Research and Analysis to the piano reorganizing works focuses on the form structure , model , harmony and texture handling through the original works analyzing and comparison .