
ɡē chànɡ jiā
  • singer;vocalist
歌唱家 [gē chàng jiā]
  • [vocalist;singer] 以唱歌为职业的人;声乐艺术家

  1. 那台节目的主角是一位年轻的意大利歌唱家。

    The star of the show was a young Italian singer .

  2. 这个歌唱家在上学的时候就受到赏识了。

    The singer was discovered while still at school .

  3. 她是我心目中的优秀歌唱家之一。

    She is on my shortlist of great singers .

  4. 最终,她实现了成为著名歌唱家的抱负。

    Finally , she realised her ambition of becoming a famous singer .

  5. 那位著名的歌唱家出生于1898年。

    The famous singer was born in 1898 .

  6. 她怀着总有一天要当歌唱家的希望。

    She cherishes a hope that she will be a singer some day .

  7. 她是位有才华的歌唱家。

    She is an accomplished singer .

  8. 我愿意把她归入英国最优秀的歌唱家之列。

    I would place her among the best singers in britain .

  9. 歌唱家的声音仍萦绕在我耳边。

    The voice of the singer still rings in my ears .

  10. 那位歌唱家的演出日程总是提前一年就排满。

    The singer is always booked up for a year ahead .

  11. 他仿效那位名歌唱家的唱法,简直一模一样。

    His imitation of that famous singer is nearly perfect .

  12. 意大利首屈一指的男低音歌唱家将在公园中举行音乐会。

    Italy 's leading bass was to give a concert in the park .

  13. 刚才说的那个女孩将来要成为歌唱家。

    That same girl is to become a singer .

  14. 在那场演出后,约翰作为歌唱家是彻底完蛋了。

    After that performance , john is all washed up as a singer .

  15. 那位著名的歌唱家还活跃在歌坛上吗?

    Is that famous singer still around ?

  16. 歌唱家吸引了大批听众。

    The singer packed the crowd in .

  17. 人们围住了那位歌唱家。

    People besieged the singer .

  18. 简幸运地在这样一位著名歌唱家指导下学习,她指望能一举成名。

    Jane would be lucky to study under such a famous singer , and counted on her card .

  19. 她的歌唱能力给我留下很好的印象,不过我怀疑她能不能应付职业歌唱家所遇到的种种困难。

    I 'm impressed with her ability as a singer , but doubt if she will be able to deal with the difficulties of professional musicianship .

  20. 这位年轻的女高音歌唱家下个月将在纽约大都会歌剧院举行首演。

    This young soprano debuts next month at the metropolitan opera .

  21. 那位男低音歌唱家将在公园中举行音乐会。

    The bass was to give a concert in the park .

  22. 阎维文,全国政协委员、著名歌唱家

    Yan Weiwen , member of the CPPCC National Committee and celebrated singer

  23. 薛谭向著名的歌唱家秦青学习唱歌。不久,薛谭认为自己差不多完全掌握了老师传授的技能,便告辞回家。

    Xue Tan studied singing from the celebrated1 singer Qin Qing , before long , he thought he had mastered almost all the skills and techniques taught by the teacher , and said goodbye to the teacher and headed for home .

  24. 片头曲名为《新的一天》(ANewDay),由中央歌剧院(ChinaNationalOperaHouse)国家一级演员、女高音歌唱家尤泓斐演唱。

    The opening song named " A New Day " was presented by Yo Hong Fei , Chinese soprano from China National Opera House , national first-level actress .

  25. 知道中文流行歌的歌词,也(者)KTV唱过。歌唱家首先唱了一首流行的民歌。

    You know the lyrics to Mando-pop songs and / or have sung them in KTV . The singer led off with a popular ballad .

  26. STEVIEWONDER,歌唱家和作曲家:我们表达上帝的爱的最好方法就是,将对自己来说很特别的东西给予其他有需要的人。

    STEVIE WONDER , SINGER / SONGWRITER : What better way to really express our God 's love than to give something that is special to you to someone else who is in need .

  27. 众多的歌唱家又形成了他们独有的声乐学派,皮埃尔·米兰达·费拉劳(PierMirandaFerraro)大师则是传统的意大利声乐学派的代表人之一。

    Many singers have established their own unique school of vocal music . Among them , Pier Miranda Ferraro is one of the representatives of Italian traditional vocal music style .

  28. 那歌唱家被乐队指挥从舞台上引走。

    The singer was led off the stage by the maestro .

  29. 从各方面看,她都是一位非常出色的歌唱家。

    She is , in every way , an extraordinary singer .

  30. 这位歌唱家由穆尔先生钢琴伴奏。

    The singer was accompanied at the piano by Mr. Moore .