
  • 网络Utility knife;Cutter;knife
  1. 使用时要多加小心切割与美工刀。

    Use caution when cutting with the utility knife .

  2. 折叠美工刀,属于刀具技术领域。

    A folding cutter is provided , which belongs to the cutter technology filed .

  3. 桌子总会被他们的美工刀搞烂。

    They fuck up all the tables with their cutters .

  4. 她的喉咙被切开,胳膊上有美工刀的切痕。

    Her throat had been slashed , and her arms were cut with a box cutter .

  5. 但今天我没带枪,而我的球车里只有铁铲和美工刀。

    No gun today , and all I had in my cart was a shovel and a box cutter .

  6. 检查总长阿卜杜勒马吉德·马哈茂德周日告诉埃及国家通讯社,盗贼利用美工刀从画框中窃走了这幅画。

    Prosecutor general Abdel-Meguid Mahmoud told Egypt 's state news agency Sunday that the thieves used a box cutter to remove the painting from its frame .

  7. 所以当处理这类杂志时,给它们换上非常没有吸引力的封面,用美工刀划下成人杂志的封面然后用胶水粘上另一本很无趣的杂志封面。

    So when dealing with dirty movies or girlie magazines , replace the covers with a less appealing cover . Cut the obscene magazine cover off with an X-Acto knife and glue a boring magazine 's cover on top to disguise your bawdiness .