
  • 网络Meiya;aiu;MEYER;AAE
  1. 为进一步提高工作效率,加强行政管理,全面实现美亚保险(AIG)上海总部的办公自动化已是大势所趋。

    In order to improve working efficiency and admin management , the full implementation of office automation will be the general trend for shanghai office of AIG .

  2. 几年来,美亚保险(AIG)在逐步理顺管理体制的同时,对办公过程的电子化和信息化也在进行不断地尝试。

    In recent years , AIG improves its management system step by step , and at the same time , it also tries to keep electronization and informatization continuously during the office process .

  3. 阿联酋高尔夫俱乐部(地址在阿联酋的迪拜,阿联酋山2号;971-4-417-9800;dubaigolf-.com)距迪拜机场大约30分钟,距卓美亚海滩(JumeirahBeach)约25分钟。

    The Emirates Golf Club ( Emirates Hills 2 , Dubai , United Arab Emirates ; 971-4-417-9800 ; dubaigolf & # 173 ; . com ) is about 30 minutes from the Dubai airport and roughly 25 minutes from Jumeirah Beach .

  4. 美亚医讯>网站本为提供公共服务。

    AHII provides this Web site as a public service .

  5. 英语俚语和汉语习语:中美亚文化群的一面镜子

    American Slang and Chinese Idioms-A Perspective of Subculture groups

  6. 德比打算离开美亚岛,离开伤心地。

    Derby concluded to go away Maya island where was place of sad .

  7. 美亚丝织厂的每周新产品

    Weekly new products from Meiya silk weaving mill

  8. 不知将来,德比还会不会记得那曾将生活过的美亚岛,和那曾经爱过的姑娘。

    Whether Derby remembered Maya island where he lived and the lady who he loved .

  9. 参与的义工们大部分是来自纽约市大勃鲁克学院美亚杰青会的成员。

    Most of the volunteers are from Oriental Advisory Group Foundation of CUNY Baruch College .

  10. 他们将会是很漂亮的美亚混血儿,那才是我们彼此相爱的真实表露。

    They will be beautiful Amerasian children and a true expression of our love for one another .

  11. 美亚电子科技有限公司

    American Tec Co Ltd

  12. 航空润滑油氧化安全度试验方法雅美亚航空服务加油(香港)有限公司

    Testing method for oxidation characteristics of lubrication oil for aircraft reciprocating engines AMR Airline Services Fuelling ( Hong Kong ) Limited

  13. 美亚伴随着电子娱乐行业的不断发展而努力创新,在激烈的竞争中不断升级。

    Meiya Co. , LTD make efforts to innovate along with the development of entertainment business and to promote through the fierce competition .

  14. 储蓄亚式期权既保留了美亚期权定价可提前执行的灵活性,又比经典的亚式期权具有更多优点。

    It not only keeps the flexibility of Execution in advance for pricing American option , but also have more advantages than classic Asian option .

  15. 最后,很高兴能与大家在美亚相遇,并希望大家能在美亚英语获得成功。

    Overall , wish you all the success in your study with the help of Meiya and I 'll be glad to meet you here .

  16. 当1905年下半年中国的抵制美货运动走向高潮之际,美亚协会又把工作重点转向国会,积极争取福斯特议案的通过。

    After anti-American boycott broke out in China in late 1905 , American Asiatic Association , lobbied futilely for the Foster Bill 's passage in Congress .

  17. 凭借多年的经营经验和广泛的业务网络,美亚保险将随着中国保险市场的不断放开而继续拓展新的业务。

    With its long experience and comprehensive network , Chartis China is now well positioned to capitalize on new opportunities arising from the increasing liberalization of the Chinese Market .

  18. 美亚不锈钢系列产品是装饰高级会所、星级酒店、别墅的理想之选,广泛应用于护栏、扶手、门窗等设施。

    Meiya stainless steel has become the main choice of high-level chambers , saloon bars , hotels and villas , which are applied widely in guardrail , fence , window , gates , etc.