
  • 网络Maggi;Maggie
  1. 和其他消费品公司类似,这家奇巧(KitKat)巧克力棒和美极(Maggi)面条的制造商一直在加大对新兴市场的关注。如今,新兴市场销售额占雀巢全球982亿美元销售额的43%。

    Like other consumer goods companies , the maker of KitKat chocolate bars and Maggi noodles has been increasing its focus on emerging markets , which now account for 43 per cent of its $ 98.2bn global sales .

  2. 本文分析了媒体广告在创建品牌时的局限性,并以德国美极(Maggi)公司为例,阐述了超越告创建品牌的主要方法和原则,对于企业富有效力地创建强势品牌有一定的借鉴意义。

    This essay analyses the limitations of medium advertisement in the establishment of brand . Taking German Maggi Corporation as an example , it expounds the main ways and principles , which certainly has some referential meaning for the enterprises to establish the powerful brand efficiently .

  3. 她穿着镶白色网眼纱边的衣服美极了。

    She was a vision in white lace .

  4. 她那天晚上美极了。

    She looked stunningly beautiful that night .

  5. 景色美极了!

    The view is simply wonderful !

  6. 管乐器部吹奏得美极了。

    The wind played beautifully .

  7. 你美极了!

    You look gorgeous !

  8. 亲爱的,见到你太让人高兴了,你看上去简直美极了。

    Darling how lovely to see you , you look simply divine .

  9. 我第一句话是,“宝贝,你看起来真是美极了。”

    I opened by saying , ' Honey , you look sensational . '

  10. “它是不是美极了?”她说道,“真希望我有合适的胸针可以借给你来搭配它。”

    ' Isn 't it divine ? ' she said . ' I wish I had the right sort of brooch to lend you for it . '

  11. 当鲜花盛开时,这个公园的景色美极了。

    The park is a picture when flowers are in bloom .

  12. 在12月10日《悲惨世界》首映式上,安妮·海瑟薇穿着TomFord的黑色丝质裙装和高筒凉鞋,看起来美极了。

    Hathaway looked stunning in a black silk Tom Ford dress and high sandals at the Les Mis é rables New York premiere on Dec. 10 .

  13. 新买的NanetteLenore准备在Jenny生日派对上穿的。gorgeous:华丽的美极了!哇!漂亮吧?

    Hazel : My new Nanette Lenore for jenny 's birthday - Icy : Gorgeous - Penelope : Wow - Hazel : Right ? -

  14. 尽管只占到雀巢产品1100亿法郎销售额的5%,Nespresso现在在所有家喻户晓的品牌中发展最为迅速。这些品牌包括沛绿雅矿泉水、美极酱油、菲利克斯猫食,当然还有雀巢巧克力。

    Though it represents about 5 percent of overall Nestle sales of 110 billion francs , Nespresso is now the fastest growing among the most important brands at a company that owns household names like Perrier water , Maggi sauce , Felix cat food and , of course , Nestle chocolate .

  15. 这景象美极了,简直无法形容。

    The spectacle was so dazzlingly beautiful that it beggared description .

  16. 房子现在变四方了,美极了。

    Other than the house being square , it 's beautiful .

  17. 在上周六的逍遥音乐舞会上,她看上去美极了!

    She looks so beautiful at the prom last Saturday night !

  18. 我刚才说的是,景色美极了。

    What I said is , it 's a terrific view .

  19. 落基山脉美极了。我曾驾车驶过丹佛,

    The Rocky mountains are wonderful.And I 've driven through Dener .

  20. 傍晚,天边的彩云美极了。

    The rosy clouds in the sky at sunset are amazing .

  21. 但你一定也听到了我说的“你今晚看起来美极了”

    But you heard it , darling , you look perfect tonight

  22. 正是日落时分,群山看起来美极了。

    The sun was setting , and the mountains looked very beautiful .

  23. 雪美极了,我每天都滑雪。

    The snow was perfect . I skied every day .

  24. 是啊,这儿的秋天美极了。

    B : Yes , the autumn is marvelous here .

  25. 一个星期远离电话机真是美极了。

    It was heaven being away from the phone for a week .

  26. 试着尝一尝,您会发现它的味道美极了。

    Try it , you 'll find it very delicious .

  27. 这些画美极了,我目不转睛地看着。

    The paintings are beautiful . I 'm all eyes at them .

  28. 都雅,并且和你的裤子相配美极了。

    Yes , and it goes beautifully with your pants .

  29. 噢,真是美极了,真是美极了!

    Oh , that 's wonderful ! That 's wonderful !

  30. 他简直是美极了,令人窒息的美。

    He was so beautiful , he could barely breathe .