- conch;shell trumpet

[conch;shell trumpet] 用海螺壳做的号角,其声音响亮悦耳
To stop this happening Nautile 's samples were transported in a special chamber called PERISCOP .
000 Leagues Under the Sea . Jules Verne . Captain Nemo 's exploration of the oceans and battle for their control . Verne 's Nautilus predates real submarines .
This time , Nautile 's mother ship , L'Atalante , had spent three weeks trawling around a similar vent in the East Pacific Ridge as part of the MESCAL project , a collaboration between a dozen American and European oceanographic research institutions .
This was organised by Ifremer , France 's oceanographic institute . Its three-man craft , Nautile ( named after the submarine in Jules Verne 's novel , " 20000 Leagues under the Sea " ) , not only brought back samples , but brought them back alive .