
  1. 艾灵顿公爵说他是“我所认识的人中最特立独行的”。上大学的时候,穆瑞在芮妮大妈(MaRainey,美国蓝调歌手,被誉为“蓝调之母”——译注)的家中度过一晚。

    Duke Ellington called him " the unsquarest man I know . " During his college days , he spent a night at Ma Rainey 's house ;

  2. 他在艾灵顿公爵的乐队里吹了很多年小号。

    He played the trumpet in the Duke Ellington orchestra for many years .

  3. 同时,艾灵顿公爵和乐团的成员开始录制他们自己的歌曲。

    At the same time , Duke Ellington and the members of his orchestra began recording their songs .

  4. 信号在说:听!你将要听到的是艾灵顿公爵演奏的音乐。

    The sign says , @ Listen ! You are about to hear something by Duke Ellington 's Orchestra .

  5. 艾灵顿公爵利用库蒂?威廉姆斯的强项,为他写了一曲《库蒂协奏曲》。

    Duke Ellington used the strength of cootie Williams when he wrote a song called a concerto for cootie .

  6. 在20世纪30年代,艾灵顿公爵等人率领的美国摇摆乐等乐队发生了真正的变革。

    The evolution of US " swing " bands like those led by Duke Ellington really arrived during the 1930s .

  7. “大乐团”和“摇摆乐”的大师艾灵顿公爵,被公认为美国各种音乐类型中最伟大的作曲家之一。

    The master of this " big band " or " swing " style was Duke Ellington , thought to be one of America 's greatest composers in any genre .

  8. 艾灵顿公爵是世界上最有影响力的爵士人物之一,被誉为爵士发展史上的魔术师。

    Duke Ellington is one of the most influential figures in jazz , if not in all American music and is widely considered as one of the twentieth century 's best known African American celebrities .