
  • 网络EXXON;Dan Akerson
  1. 在艾克森-瓦尔迪兹公司案中,按150美元/吨的价格讨算,赔偿总额高达320万美元。

    For the Exxon Valdez , the $ 150 / ton figure came to $ 32 million .

  2. 美国高管薪酬最低的当属通用(GeneralMotors)CEO艾克森。

    In the U.S. the smallest paycheck was drawn by General Motors ( GM ) CEO Dan akerson .

  3. 《财富》杂志(Fortune)了解到,伊万尼克与艾克森的关系惊人的密切,虽然两人在管理和交流风格方面存在巨大的差异。

    Fortune has learned that ewanick and akerson were surprisingly close , despite deep differences in their management and communications styles .

  4. 她的新职责为她在2014年接替CEO艾克森的职位增加了新的筹码,而这将成为底特律女性创造历史的第一次。

    Her new responsibilities boosted her standing as a favorite to succeed CEO Dan akerson in 2014 & an historic first for a woman in Detroit .

  5. 通用汽车曾在上个月表示,苏瑞博将在明年1月退休,而他的继任者钱惠康(MatthewTsien)将由通用汽车首席执行长艾克森(DanAkerson)直接领导。

    Last month , GM said Mr. Socia would retire in January and that his successor , GM China executive Matthew Tsien , would report directly to GM Chief Executive Dan Akerson .

  6. 虽然艾克森与伊万尼克有着显而易见的差异,但两人的经营风格都极富侵略性。

    For all their outward differences , akerson and ewanick shared an aggressive operating style .

  7. 同时,艾克森、阿兰和费南多等5名归化球员也已被召入国家队。

    Meantime , five naturalized players including Ai Kesen , Alan and Fei Nanduo have been called up to the national team .