
  • Ike;Jan van Eyck;T. Harv Eker
  1. 艾克不知这样的谣言是怎么传开的。

    Ike doesn 't know how such a rumor got about .

  2. 美国海岸警卫队(coastguard)表示,飓风“艾克”已造成至少11个海上石油平台沉没。

    Hurricane Ike had sunk at least 11 offshore platforms , according to the coast guard .

  3. 艾克表示,机构和散户投资者仍乐于向盈利能见度(earningsvisibility)良好的企业提供资金。

    Mr haik says that institutional and retail investors remained keen to provide capital to companies with good earnings visibility .

  4. 她的丈夫托德(Todd)也是运动员出身,他们有五个孩子,长子名叫特瑞艾克(Track,也有径赛项目的意思),因为他出生的时候正值径赛季。

    She and her husband , Todd , also an athlete , named their first son Track because he was born in that sport 's season .

  5. 会上,马克•扎克伯格发表了万众瞩目的主题演讲,Spotify的首席执行官丹尼尔•艾克成为他邀请上台的第一位贵客。

    Spotify CEO Daniel Eck was Mark Zuckerberg 's first guest during the widely watched keynote .

  6. 为了物色约翰•艾克斯的继承人,董事会指派了一个专门委员会,其中包括美国广播公司(ABCCapCities)首席执行官汤姆•墨菲和声名卓著的强生公司(Johnson&Johnson)前任首席执行官吉姆•伯克。

    To find a successor to CEO John Akers , it appointed a committee that included Tom Murphy , CEO of ABC cap cities , and Jim Burke , the highly acclaimed former CEO of Johnson & Johnson ( JNJ ) .

  7. 一旦公司建筑完工,艾克巴莱德和Standard(Oslo)的艺术家加达・埃德・埃纳尔松(GardarEideEinarsson)的作品就会入驻其间。

    Once construction is complete , Ekblad and Standard ( Oslo ) artist Gardar Eide Einarsson will also have works on display around the Fornebu campus .

  8. “大学的教练们都他妈的给予六尺的孩子更多注意而不是五尺十一寸的孩子,”一个长期在NBA工作的球探克里斯,艾克斯坦说。

    " College coaches pay a hell of a lot better attention when a guy is6 feet instead of5-11 ," said Chris Ekstrand , a consultant to the N.B.A.who was the longtime editor of its draft guide .

  9. 方法:对21例宫颈癌患者术前经股动脉插管介入化疗,化疗方案为博莱霉素45mg、顺铂或艾克博康80mg/m2。

    Methods : preoperative interventional chemotherapy by femoral intubatton were done in 21 patients with uterine cervical cancer .

  10. 波士顿咨询集团(BCG)斯图加特办公室的艾克.海德曼(AilkeHeidemann)表示,拥有机械工程背景的德国中小型企业正加紧招募它们需要的数字化和数据领域专家。

    Ailke Heidemann , of the Stuttgart office of Boston Consulting Group , says Mittelstand companies with backgrounds in mechanical engineering are working urgently to bring on to their payrolls the experts they need in digitisation and data .

  11. 热火队后卫詹姆斯•琼斯(JamesJones)说他有一副类似马尔科姆•艾克斯(MalcolmX,美国民权运动领袖)曾戴过的ShuronRonsirs眼镜,他称威斯布鲁克的形象很“古怪”。这还是比较客气的说法。

    Miami guard James Jones , who said he has a pair of Shuron Ronsirs similar to the ones Malcolm X once wore , dismissed Mr. Westbrook 's look as " quirky . " And that was before he really cut deep .

  12. 卡洛斯·斯万普森(CarlosSwepson)在马尔科姆艾克斯大道(MalcolmXBoulevard)开设的BLVDBistro餐厅,是最近才加入这个社区的商家,但它的南方特色风味,显示出其对于哈莱姆历史的重视。

    Carlos Swepson 's BLVD Bistro , on Malcolm X Boulevard , is a recent addition to neighborhood , but it 's taking Harlem history , with all of its southern influences , very seriously .

  13. 我退休后到法国普罗旺斯地区艾克斯(Aix-en-Provence)居住的梦想破灭了,现在我退休后只好去纽约州波基普西市艾克斯(Aix-en-Poughkeepsie)了。

    My dreams of retiring to Aix-en-Provence are gone . Now I 'll have to retire to Aix-en-Poughkeepsie .

  14. 她的项目目前包括了艾克布莱德和另一位挪威艺术家拉尔斯・劳曼(LarsLaumann)的作品,以及来自比较成熟的艺术之都如柏林和伦敦的艺术家作品。

    Her program so far has included work by Ekblad and another Norwegian artist Lars Laumann , as well as by young artists from more established art capitals like Berlin and London . '

  15. 噢,艾克活着时,我很爱冒险。

    Oh , I was quite adventurous when lke was alive .

  16. 这个新艾克美牌的电饭锅的品质真好。

    This new Acme brand rice cooker is really A-one quality .

  17. 今天是星期四,是艾克斯市的赶集日。

    Today is Thursday and it 's market day in Aix .

  18. 已解除,艾克斯勒洛德爵士祝您愉快。

    Bomb deactivated . Have a nice day , Sir Axlerod .

  19. 艾克,你是想说我们没在工作吗?

    Are you implying , lke , that we don 't work ?

  20. 艾克,也许你不适合打扑克。

    Maybe poker 's just not your game , lke .

  21. 艾克斯市也是一座建在天然泉水旁边的城市。

    Aix is another town founded near a natural spring .

  22. 他们还说蒂娜离开艾克很勇敢。

    And they say Tina was brave for leaving Ike .

  23. 不久他就得在艾克斯和他的同谋女犯一同受审。

    He was shortly to be tried at Aix with his accomplice .

  24. 艾克,谁把实验室里的猴子全放出来了?

    Eck , who set all these lab monkeys free ?

  25. 艾克教授的评论是否正确,只有时间能够证明。

    Only time will tell whether Prof Aaker 's critique is correct .

  26. 有一株艾克上将被送到场�

    There 's an Admiral Eyck to be offered to the room .

  27. 这是犯罪实验室的康纳德。艾克列?

    This is Conrad ecklie from the crime lab. ?

  28. 我爸养过一只狼犬,它叫艾克。

    My daddy had a German shepherd , axel .

  29. 一开始,年轻的丽芮尔在所有的方面都超过了艾克珊卓的期望。

    From the start , young Liriel exceeded all of Xandra 's hopes .

  30. 在艾克的房间找到的。

    I found it in lke 's room .