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  • 网络BLUE
  1. 那是个愉快的下午,蓝蓝的天空中飘着几朵羊毛般轻软的白云。

    It was a lovely afternoon with a blue sky and a few fleecy white clouds .

  2. 她睁开眼,在再次飞回到门口之前,看到了蓝蓝的天空。

    When she opened her eyes she was looking up into the blue sky and was about to fly back through the door .

  3. 她身体纤瘦,一头金黄的齐肩短发(page-boyhair女子的发梢向内的齐肩发型),蓝蓝的眼睛,身穿一件大罩衫&她对此毫不在意,仿佛她没有别的衣服了。

    Da C á mara found in front of him a slender child with blonde page-boy hair and blue eyes , dressed in overalls , which she wore as nonchalantly as if she had no other clothes .

  4. 他生着蓝蓝的眼睛和一张无所畏惧的诚实的脸。

    He had blue eyes and a fearless , honest face .

  5. 蓝蓝的天空,明亮的太阳。

    The sky is blue and the sun is bright .

  6. 这个残忍的教师打到这个学生蓝蓝瘀瘀。

    The cruel teacher beats the pupil black and blue .

  7. 这座旅馆居高临下,可以鸟瞰海滩和远处蓝蓝的大海。

    The hotel overlooks the beach with distant blue sea .

  8. 蓝蓝的天空像擦拭得纤尘不染的玻璃。

    Blue sky was spotless , like wiping the glass .

  9. 昆明的天空蓝蓝的,空气是那么清新。

    The sky is blue and the air is clean .

  10. 大海蓝蓝的,沙滩金灿灿的。

    The sea was blue and beach was golden .

  11. 天很漂亮,蓝蓝的,只是少了太阳就单调了。

    It was very beautiful , blue , minus the sun would drab .

  12. 哈代《一双蓝蓝的眼睛》中伏笔艺术探究

    On the Artistry of Foreshadowing in Hardy 's A Pair of Blue Eyes

  13. 蓝蓝的海水上航行,风帆冲浪。

    Sail and windsurf on the blue ocean waters .

  14. 蓝蓝的天空和绿风筝。

    Blue blue skies and green green kites .

  15. 切削成凸圆形的蓝宝石他蓝蓝的眼睛随父亲,圆圆的脸庞随母亲。

    He has his father 's blue eyes and his mother 's round face .

  16. 地中海蓝蓝,他放浪身形。

    The blue Mediterranean , where he lay .

  17. 透过天窗,你可以看到蓝蓝的天空白云飘。

    Through the skylight , we can see the blue sky and white clouds .

  18. 红红绿绿蓝蓝白白。

    Red and green , blue and white .

  19. 阿三说:是的,我看到的天空是蓝蓝的一条线。

    I said : Yes , I saw the blue sky is a line .

  20. 置身于蓝蓝的天空?

    Up in the air so blue ?

  21. 美妙的咏叹感恩的礼赞&论当代女诗人蓝蓝的创作特征

    Melodious Intoning and Grateful Hymn & On the Creation Characteristic of Current Poetess Lan Lan

  22. 假如我是一只鸟,我要欣赏蓝蓝的天空。

    If I were a bird , I would like to enjoy the blue sky .

  23. 大海很平静,礁石露了出来,天空蓝蓝的,飘着片片粉色的云彩。

    The sea was calm , the reef exposed , sky blue with lashings of pink .

  24. 还没有下车啊,就被这片蓝蓝的湖水所吸引。

    While I'still on board , I 'm already attracted by the azure lake over there .

  25. 奶奶有着一头银白的头发,蓝蓝的眼睛里总是闪着慈祥的光芒。

    Grandma has a silvery white hair , blue eyes kind of light is always shining .

  26. 比如说蓝蓝的天空下。

    For instance-Under the blue sky .

  27. 蓝蓝的天空和海洋。

    Blue sky and sea .

  28. 我用双手遮住你,咱们的屋顶便是那蓝蓝的天。

    I shall cover you with both my hands , and our housetop will be the blue sky .

  29. 加利福尼亚沿岸浅水中银白带蓝色的石首鱼。蓝蓝的天上白云飘。

    Silvery and bluish drumfish of shallow California coastal waters . White clouds drift through the blue sky .

  30. 从缝隙里冲出来,为了亲近蓝蓝的天空。

    Breaking out from the small gap , all it ever wants is to kiss the blue sky .