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  • 网络Cannes;LOHAS Park
  1. 我打赌他一定在康城影展附近的角膜市场里花了不少时间

    I bet he spent time in the cornea market at the Cannes Film Festival .

  2. 莎朗斯通是在康城影展主持一场慈善拍卖前做了引起争议的发言。

    Sharon Stone made the controversial remarks before she hosted a charity auction at the Cannes Film Festival .

  3. 通过对大量文献的研究,结合具体的康城社区的实证调查来分析日间照料服务构建问题。

    Through extensive literature research , combined with the specific empirical investigation Cannes community day care services to analyze the problem .

  4. 六朝建康城遗址考古发掘的回顾与展望从健康城市看我国城市步行环境营建

    Review and Prospect for Archaeological Excavation of Relics of Jian Kang City During Six Dynasties ; Building Pedestrian Environment from Healthy City in China

  5. 斯通周六说她此番发表声明是为澄清她在康城影展接受一位记者采访所说的话,以正视听。

    Stone said Saturday that she was issuing the statement to set the record straight about the comments she made to a reporter at the Cannes Film Festival .

  6. 从老年人需求的角度,以上海市康城社区为例,对日间照料服务在城市近郊人员结构复杂的大型社区如何开展的问题进行研究。

    From the perspective of the elderly needs to Shanghai Cannes community , for example , day care services for people in the city suburbs of large complex problem of how to carry out community research .